William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Sunday, March 16, 2014

About China, Deific Solipsism, Helping People

I found this paper in William's unpublished journal notes.  I have been searching through all of his old journals, including copies of letters to others that he wrote over the years, finding things that will be added to his biography that I am slowly, very slowly, trying to put together.  Everything I have of his is amazing and wonderful. But, this one I found to be absolutely marvelous, as it includes some of his war history along with such a profound and important inspired, honest message.  Enjoy  -- Sandy Jones - Literary executor and editor. 

Feb. ’79

About China, Deific Solipsism, Helping Others                     By William Samuel 

During the Korea war the U.S. found itself fighting the Chinese. I was in the army at that time. I was also in the army during WWII when we had trained the combat against the Japanese where I observed the Oriental soldier in action, fighting along side him.

When the Korean “police action” began I fully expected to be brought forth where my knowledge of the Oriental could be utilized.  After all there were only a few hundred American infantry men who had lived with Chinese units and fought side by side with them against the Japanese. I lived in the field with the Chinese soldier for more than three years--and that’s a lot of experience most difficult to come by.

When the Chinese entered the Korean war against the United States, my experience was not made use of at all by the U.S.  Not on the scale it could have been.  Yes, I was called on to command troops against the Chinese, but in no time did our government query anyone I know of who really knew how the Chinese soldier fought in the field.  So, my expertise went unused except as I could use it on a small scale of an infantry company commander fighting in the bloody triangle of that war’s last days, Pork Chop Hill was part of the triangle of conflict.  The Korean veteran and the Korean war is forgotten today, except as the first war the United States couldn’t win. The men who fought in that conflict remember it very well.

I came home from that war and circumstances brought me off active duty and put me into the reserve where I was called back to active duty again for only a brief period when it looked as if an invasion of Cuba was in store. I was a Major by that time, or a Lt. Col.,  I don’t remember, but I was to be a Battalion commander --infantry man with fixed bayonets again. Someday I should write of those staging days in Orlando Florida--and the wonderful sense of calm I felt then---aware finally of what warfare is, and means, and accomplishes over the short period. 

Some years after that, after having lived its principles and proven their validity, I wrote and published A Guide To Awareness and Tranquillity.  Young people and Metaphysical idealists have asked me the same question over and over; how could you be a soldier and abide by these principles?  My reply was always the same--It was difficult. Combat and family have been the two most difficult experiences in my life--and difficulty surely teaches wisdom in ways nothing else does.  Wisdom may come humanly via the touch of Grace for some--but it came the hard way for me---out of awful warfare, inner and outer, outer and inner.

Well now, as I say, what I learned came to be put in a book--and then another and another--and into essays--and into lectures and a few classes here and there--and into many personal visits folks have made here to Alabama. And by and large I have been able to communicate my gleening of my recognition of Selfhood so these “others” would be spared the combat, inner and outer, that seem otherwise necessary before the shell is cracked an the
chrysalis emerges. 

As the Seminal idea has emerged into conscious recognition, I became aware that what I  call my country is not a separate entity separate and apart from the functioning awareness I am.  “Out there” isn’t concerned about my expertise until I am concerned with “out there’s” meaning to me--because it is my picture of me so to speak--not separate from the living Awareness that sees it.  And this is the same for my government too--a fact that dawned so slowly for me. Despite Lao Tse’s many mentions of Tao’s influence not only within oneself, but in the family, the neighborhood, the village, the nation, the world and he didn’t even stop there--within the Universe said Lao Tse, my bright mirrored Self - image telling it to me honestly from out the wisdom of the East.  

Well, so what? What is this all about? Just a simple point that the government and its affaires are not outside Awareness either, therefore we can’t just become aware of Self from a single point of view--but as the Universe as it appears to the point of view as well. 

Let me explain what I mean. Once before I had much knowledge that would have been immensely helpful to this government of mine had they but taken the time to ask me about it.  Whatever efforts I made to offer my services fell on deaf ears--and to make matters worse I was back into physical combat again with everything appearing to indicate that I had really learned nothing at all for all my study and knowledge of the “absolute” and all that stuff.  It was surely the same feeling I presently hear from so many who have become confused by all the teaching everywhere, where each is calling his way the only way--or else it is all organized into a system that is so complicated and scientific as to be beyond the intellectual capacities of anyone, even the wizards who muttered and peeped them up in the first place. Why doesn’t my metaphysics work for me now? Where has my hope and enthusiasm gone now? Why is my body so old and alone in the world now? Why isn’t my government taking care of the sick and elderly now? Why are my savings of a life time losing their value everyday and nothing I do seems to help anymore?  Nothing seems to work...........

................Then, everyone’s last hope Samuel arrives on the scene 
and most are able to hear through the threats of doom and gloom 
and find, actually FIND, the Self-secure One who is Life itself 
within which there is no shortage nor threat nor even shadow of turning.....

But, after I published, no longer concerned with the “out there” as anything but an indivisible scene within this single Awareness being I, lo, “out there” government came to me, asking my opinion of Chinese communism that appears so threateningly on the scene--and I was able to make the helpful statements to myself that were impossible when the inside/outside dualism existed. 

Have I said that so the gentle point is clear? It isn’t complicated.  Yes it is a meaningful point to everyone, because as appearances go, everyone looks to the outside for some part of his personal well being---people want other people to buy their product or supply their need.  People look to others for their leadership. And what we are saying here is that we find “others” tending the village and the universe capably when we end the foolishness of separating awareness into external and internal as though these two were actually two different things. We find our GOVERNMENT and our WORLD pursuing the same course we set for ourselves. Awareness includes both the singular point of view of one as well as many. It also surveys the government of the many and finds that government the property of Mind, not man.  

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery - you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones  -- samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Guide Posts

Excerpt from "The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics" 
    By  William Samuel


Certain guideposts indicate the changed perspectives that come with enlightenment:

There comes an undreampt comprehension of the REASONS for Light/light, time and space, past, present and future. Neither teachers nor books discuss this yet—but some good physicists and mathematicians are getting close. They have only to discover subjectivism's Child within themselves and to recognize the totality of consciousness.

The meanings of (and reasons for) other special things arrive also—such as beginnings and endings, above and below, first and last, inside and outside, essence and image, male and female, overtones, bridges and time, balance, contradistinction, synergism. Quite beyond expectation, beyond words, it seems presently, but not for much longer.

A marvelous childlikeness and simplicity arrive.

We have unexpected insights into the reasons for religion and philosophy; we begin to understand the reasons standing behind the three stages taken intuitively toward wisdom and understanding; we see not only the reasons for the appearances of evil in the world, but also the Reason beyond that.

There is a new awareness of HONESTY and an equal aversion to deception. One becomes aware of the incredible quantity of horsefeathers and bologna presented to the world in the name of Truth, from authorities who are no authorities at all. We see the fraudulence and deception inherent in certain practices and eschew them. We can see why and how people in the world claim a knowledge of Truth long before they are living it.

There comes an enwrapping, protecting Power of another kind, most amazing.

The sticking places in religion and subjective studies become transparent—and we see the good reasons for them.

Especially this: the natural and simple ability to see good in everything develops beyond every expectation! And with this comes a grand generosity of spirit and a willingness to help the world.

Finally, possibly grandest of all because it is the reason for living, comes the DISCOVERY of the Child within—and the Child's way to live, the Equation!

The Original of us is ATTAINABLE, right here in the tangible world where hell and its terror seem ubiquitous and inescapable to others.

Oh, there is more to this attainment of the Child than TALKING about it—but talking is necessary. Most of mysticism, religion and metaphysics addresses unimportant issues. Science is working with effects, without the Child's guidance. Organizational metaphysics doesn't have the essentials straight, and the protectors of dogma (with their concern for numbers) refuse to see the subjective Truth as anything but a threat to the status quo, even when that Truth is spelled out before them—no different now than in the days of the prophets or when Jesus called religious leaders dogs in the manger who would neither eat the oats nor let the cattle eat them.

There are other guideposts—cosmological, hierarchical, ascending and descending—none of which is to the least degree mystical or difficult to apprehend by the Child of us. All of it is revealed intuitively on the wings of Light, without hard study. We find ourselves knowing without effort. None of this is what one expects, whether he is a churchman, metaphysician, scientist or mystic.

There is a mighty reversal and a return to the Beginning in the end, completely unexpected; not a turning back, as words make it sound, but an ONGOING into wonder after wonder inexplicable to the unattained and arrogant nature of us.

It comes as God's grace—glimpse upon glimpse, precept upon precept, bringing a new recognition of the value of the Enlightened among us whose wisdom we seek out. My own religious and metaphysical studies were misleading in this area especially. I see my metaphysical friends stagnating at the plateau where everything is perceived “within” themselves. Just as I did before them, they stand there, ignoring the outside of the cup, even denying its reality, while trying to heal the inside. The religionist washes both sides of the cup but defends his personal dogma and accuses others of heresy without knowing anything about the subjectivism he is condemning. The scientist peers at the faint glimpses of light in his microscope and telescope, using the very science and essence of subjectivism, but, as yet, is unaware of the guiding Child within himself.

Who will get these three things straight? The reader first, then the world following. Why is this the order? Because the world exists within Awareness and is following in time. Beneath the increasing confusion and complexity of this world is the original little boy or girl we once were, still there, awaiting our recognition and call.

The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics   By William Samuel

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery - you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones  -- samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Child's Way of Spirit

From William Samuel's Unpublished Private Journal -   1982       

The Child's Way and the Holy Spirit are the same 

The Child’s Way is the Way of the Holy Sprit.

The Child’s Way is the Christ Light’s Way.

The experience of the Holy Spirit is the point at which one touches the Chid’s path.  The experience of being “born again” (which one FEELS and KNOWS is unique and wonderful, unlike anything that has happened in his life before) is the birth of the subjective idea wherein one is becoming acquainted with the INTERNAL nature of Being and the Universe. 

The study of subjectivism is the external school of the Child, though I don’t know a single metaphysics in the world (except for original Christianity and Original Taoism) which knows of the significance of the Child within us.

Granted, theology certainly speaks of the Soul of Man and its importance, but somewhere the Soul’s identity as the Child of God--which is the Child one IS--was lost and is no longer taught. 

Perhaps the return of this idea constitutes what Jesus spoke of as the Comforter that comes following.   If so, these words come to hail the Comforter which comes to do all things. Whatever may be the case, there is no doubt in my mind that this work heralds the beginning of the blossoming of the Tree of Life, the final flowering, the Seed of which will be the Chosen, the plucked and taken away into another time and space.  There become the New Planting for the next Pulse of Light, somewhere else in Godhead. 

Those who perceive this Idea will become part of the new community of Correspondents whose efforts will become dramatically synergistic to their own amazement and take place ABOVE the battles that will rage full fledged around them.  These Children will take no sides. They will battle neither for the right nor the left,  neither for the right nor the wrong, nor even for the good against the evil, knowing a higher Good that transcends even as it encompasses all human concepts. They will be cognizant of the reasons for the worlds struggles, but as they live  in the world and until the seed corn is gathered by God Himself they will continue to Love God with all their hearts and minds and they will love all mankind as themselves, constantly acting in their behalf for Good. 

If you would like to read more about The Child

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery - you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones  -- samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -