William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Self and Experience

Excerpt from 
by William Samuel 

Since we do not have experiences, and experience is being who and what we are, experience is the action of Isness being Self-aware. Our daily experience is greater than could ever be imagined by the one who judges. It is above all comparison . . . no matter how it seems!
QUESTI0N: How is this applicable in a practical way?
ANSWER: I can only tell you to go about your daily affairs actually mindful that perfect Experience is the very Identity you are. Then just watch how practical it is!
Even by ordinary standards, Identity is established quite beyond the power of anything to disrupt. The force of an atomic blast can do nothing to Identity.
Tranquility is Tranquility. Love is what Love is. Spirit is Spirit and nothing inserts itself to make it something else. Perfect "Experience" is what it is—perfect experience. It includes all that is called "the power of the atom," yet there is no force within it harmful to itself.
Experience is my Identity. Identity, like a name, is untouched by tribulation!
We equate Self and Experience as one Harmony!
QUESTION: What do we see?
ANSWER: What Awareness "sees" is our own heart-felt Self-Identification. If one has been looking on a personal poverty, misery and fear, he is assuredly mistaking his Identity and viewing the evidence of that mis-identification.
Inevitably, the mis-identifier's view of a Perfection considered outside himself must appear to him as a universe "out there," as a world divided into two camps and those camps subdivided at every point to their mutual distrust and ultimate neutralization, as a good versus evil, white-black, hot-cold, materialistic-idealistic orgy of opposing judgments, ending only with the "new birth"—re-identification—and with the end of personal judgment such re-identification brings.
Experience appears as however I view my own Identity. Considering myself limited, frustrated, bound-to-a-body man (manifestation), I appear to myself as I believe I am. Contrariwise, knowing Identity to be that which is being the universe and all in it, I must commence to view Now (and all that appears as the "things-experience" within Awareness) as the actual-I that I am, as the Holy Perfection of the One perfect Being. I see every petal of every flower, every twig, every leaf, every rock, every mountain, every star and galaxy that thunders through the heavens and constitutes the universe, as one of the infinite qualities and attributes of my perfect Father, the ineffable Godhead itself; Single Identity perceiving Itself and being "I."

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

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