William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Christmas is the Child I Am


The Christmas Season is more than the matter of a few days.  Christmas is the Heart’s Season and the Heart is forever.  Christmas is Love’s Season and Love is without end.  Christmas is the season that belongs to children and there is no time when we are not children.

What is meant by the Christmas Story of “the coming of the Christ"?  The Christ is the Truth.  The Truth is the Christ.  Truth ‘comes’ as a dawning.  The Christ is our discovery of the Truth we are.  The yearned-for Messiah is none other than the here and now awareness awakened to the meaning of these words.  Does not the Christ say, “I am the truth”?  We declare without doubt or hesitation that we are the Presence of the living Comforter come to “set all things straight.”  We take this Identity unto the Self and live it.  We gird up the loins and live it. 

Somewhere along the line comes the truthful (Christ-full) discovery that we are not a finite body containing life, awareness, within it, but that we are awareness, Life, Love, containing all bodies within “us”.  Reader, for me that awakening is the Christmas of the Christ-I-am—a pure and pristine Light out of a new day, immaculately conceived, untouched by the world—a holy Child born in a manger.  But a child beset quickly by the intellectual Herod I fancied myself to be.

The child we are survives, however.  The child of Light “grows strong” and dares, with simple honesty and actions that coincide, to challenge the fiction for the fraud it is.  This is your Season, Reader.  This season commemorates your Self-discovery.  This Christmas is YOU.  The pealing bells, the carols, the holly leaves, the laughter, red noses, plum pudding, tinsel and happy tears are yours.  These things, every one, are ours.  They are us.  They are Identity.  This holy season is the merriment that Love is and it commemorates our own Identity discovered.

The discovery may seem to do with time, but the Discovered and the Discoverer are eternal, quite beyond the clock, above the measure of months, more than can be circumscribed by strings of twinkling lights or the jingle of bells.  Love is the measure of this Season.  Love tells its story.  Unbound, honest, simple, gentle and childlike LOVE is the gift we open and the gift we are.


At this moment it seems to me that we have a most important “mission”.  It is to discover and live the Christ-Love we are that we may be found to be the comforter of this world of images

that appears within the Selfhood that Awareness is.  As I be lifted up,” says the Christ, “all mankind shall be lifted likewise and drawn unto Me.”

We give the gift of Childlikeness to our world.  We give the gift of unbounded joy.  We give the gift of tenderness that warms the Heart and brings the soft breath of happiness, the tender touch and the unrestrained tear of gratitude.

We tell the story of Identity.  We tell the weary who they are.  We show them the Kingdom of their heritage.  We hand them their scepter and point to the limitless Light of Love which is their dominion.  We look up and out and “show unto mankind his uprightness.  This is the Father’s business, so let us be at it.

Dear Mary and John, 

Happy Christmas to you folks!  This Christmas Season finds a New Star in the Heavens—this one to tell those with ears to hear of the New Jerusalem wherein there is neither sorrow nor darkness, nor age nor death.  

The Holy City is already the fact, you know.  Isness is the totality of all Being within which there is nothing that makes a lie.  In all singleness there is nothing to make it dual, and we do not have to wait to see this fact!  While there presently appear to be an inside and an outside, a here and a not-here, a now and a not-now, all these things are only aspects of the Whole, the All—for which this Awareness “we” are is the activity.

Mind (1) aware (2) of Itself (3) is a Holy Trinity Itself.  “Itself” knows these three are One Mind, one Love.

Well, this started out to be a simple Christmas greeting.

Don’t you forget that all the carols and bright lights, decorations and happy children are for you!  Who else is the Christ?


The Christmas Season commemorates our own awakening, birth of the Christ Truth within, arrival of our own Identity.  The Christmas Season marks the prodigal’s return from the land of husks.  This is the time when the fires of the hearth are rekindled—the time for coming home.

Coming home to what?  To consciousness, to Identity, to the heritage promised us from the beginning, to the Love we are, to the carefree Child we are, to warmth and tenderness, simplicity and gentleness—to the happiness that REALITY is!

Reader, if I could give you the gift of childlikeness, I would.  But this is our nature already—and this is the only nature that comes to see, accept and live the Real.  Intellectuality decries the season, anxious to explain it and then to have it over.  But childlikeness sees the sparkle of silver tassels all year.  Childlikeness listens to the laughter of angels every minute.  Childlikeness tastes the sweet sugarplums of Simplicity right here, right now—and feels the gentle Love of Christmas forever!  

If you would like further guidance in understanding William's work and his message of Identity and Self discovery and the honest living of your own unbound Joy, you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - Ojai, Ca -

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