William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Saturday, December 21, 2013

What Christmas Is All About


By William Samuel

Asked directly "When will the New World come?" the Light of Christmas replied to his disciples, "What you expect has come but you know it not." Our prosperous and fearless life is HERE, awaiting simple, childlike acknowledgment. This "Illumination" of our life is sure and certain. We cannot escape it. King David said, "If I say the darkness shall cover me, even the night shall be a light around me….if I make my bed in hell…even there shall thy hand lead and thy right hand shall hold me." The Christmas Season ever marks the birth of--the personal recognition and acknowledgment of-God as all, God as only. The Christ is the Truth and the Truth is here, ALREADY bestowing its gifts. To the human sense of things it only awaits our recognition and acceptance. We DO it and the "new world" appears.

Only the Truth is true. Only the Real is real. Whatever the evidence of poverty, unemployment and fear, there is no reality to it. To the real of us, to the Truth of us, to the Child of us, Deific Allness-God-is still at the helm. In Truth our welfare does not lie in the hands of government and its people but lives securely, prosperously, harmoniously and fearlessly in the Truth of Being, in the Light of Life. The Lights of the world have told us this for generations and every student of Truth must admit it is true.


If the joy of this season has lessened over the years for us, it is the consequence of old-world weariness-the intellectual struggle to measure up to human demands and the weight of guilt we bury ourselves beneath: the guilt of age, the guilt of failing health and diminishing vigor, the guilt of fear, the guilt of GUILT.

If one wishes to joy in the holidays again as in those days of yore when the child-heart of us nearly exploded with anticipation-if we would enjoy those Christmas pleasures again with enthusiasm unabated by years-we can. We can! We need only uncover the HEART again. We need only put intellectualism aside for a time and let the child-heart sing.

We really ARE children at heart and remain so eternally. No matter how one's world may seem this day, the Child of us still lives! Our years past are the adult lived in vain-that we might RECOGNIZE the Child we are again! The WHOLE Child, the Christ Child, right here, right now!

The tender heart, in moments of honesty and childlikeness, will at special moments allow one to become aware of a new heaven and earth; a new land of perfection and well-being, already present here and now, spread over the whole face of the land--and a perfect harmony that has always been here as our very own Life and Being. It is as though, in these moments of inner clarity, the resistless Child of us allows something to flow from the peripheral unconscious into the conscious; as if, for a moment, the ego-playing mask is put aside and in an instant we see, hear, feel and know some small aspect of Being unseen before. This knowing comes with its own grace and absolute certainty- -----for a moment.

For a moment? Why just a moment?

Listen gently: However unregenerate, scarlet and guilty we may think we are, these special moments are not uncommon to any of us. They happen often but are so quickly under attack. While they arrive like a cooling, healing rain on parched land, though they come like a breath of fresh air, like sunshine, like a smile, like a gentle touch, like laughter, like the song of a nigh bird in the midst of a dark and sleepless night, they come also like a swinging, sundering sword, like a sharp spike that shakes, shatters, slaps and sickens the old nature of us and sends the fearful of us back to the ego-defences again-that puts the old mask in place again.

For me-and I can speak of no other experience with authority-each new glimmer of Light has come from my anguish, helplessness and childlikeness. Yet, it was only a matter of days, hours, minutes until that very glimmer had so aroused and angered the intellect of me, the adult of me, the great "common sense" and smartness of me, that I would shove the New Light back into the darkness of intellectualism. "I was just carried away. It was the emotion of the moment." I would say, attempting to limit the Illimitable to an explanation, as the intellect ever insists!

But, Reader, now I know-I KNOW without doubt or reservation, "without purpose of evasion"-that the immaculate Child is everpresent to disclose the utter simplicity of Being and its ALL-rightness! Yes.

Yes, this is so! The Child of us LIVES!

Who sees the sparkling stars? Who enjoys the brighted Christmas tree, hears the carol, smells the yule log and scented candle? Whose Life is there but God-Life-I?

Where is the bell tower that heralds the season? Where falls the soft snow? Where is the laughing face, the ribboned gift, the mistletoe and the vision of sugar- plums? Here! Here as Identity-I! Here as the Child-awareness that God-Life is! Here as the very one WE are.

Yes! The One WE are.

Joyful Season from Woodsong, William Samuel (1986)

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery - you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones  -- samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

CHRISTMAS IS THE CHILD I AM                    By William Samuel 

The Christmas Season is more than the matter of a few days.  Christmas is the Heart’s Season and the Heart is forever.  Christmas is Love’s Season and Love is without end.  Christmas is the season that belongs to children and there is no time when we are not children.

What is meant by the Christmas Story of “the coming of the Christ”?  The Christ is the Truth.  The Truth is the Christ.  Truth ‘comes’ as a dawning.  The Christ is our discovery of the Truth we are.  The yearned-for Messiah is none other than the here and now awareness awakened to the meaning of these words.  Does not the Christ say, “I am the truth”?  We declare without doubt or hesitation that we are the Presence of the living Comforter come to “set all things straight.”  We take this Identity unto the Self and live it.  We gird up the loins and live it. 

Somewhere along the line comes the truthful (Christ-full) discovery that we are not a finite body containing life, awareness, within it, but that we are awareness, Life, Love, containing all bodies within “us”.  Reader, for me that awakening is the Christmas of the Christ-I-am—a pure and pristine Light out of a new day, immaculately conceived, untouched by the world—a holy Child born in a manger.  But a child beset quickly by the intellectual Herod I fancied myself to be.

The child we are survives, however.  The child of Light “grows strong” and dares, with simple honesty and actions that coincide, to challenge the fiction for the fraud it is.  This is your Season, Reader.  This season commemorates your Self-discovery.  This Christmas is YOU.  The pealing bells, the carols, the holly leaves, the laughter, red noses, plum pudding, tinsel and happy tears are yours.  These things, every one, are ours.  They are us.  They are Identity.  This holy season is the merriment that Love is and it commemorates our own Identity discovered.  

The discovery may seem to do with time, but the Discovered and the Discoverer are eternal, quite beyond the clock, above the measure of months, more than can be circumscribed by strings of twinkling lights or the jingle of bells.  Love is the measure of this Season.  Love tells its story.  Unbound, honest, simple, gentle and childlike LOVE is the gift we open and the gift we are.


At this moment it seems to me that we have a most important “mission”.  It is to discover and live the Christ-Love we are that we may be found to be the comforter of this world of images
that appears within the Selfhood that Awareness is.  As I be lifted up,” says the Christ, “all mankind shall be lifted likewise and drawn unto Me.”

We give the gift of Childlikeness to our world.  We give the gift of unbounded joy.  We give the gift of tenderness that warms the Heart and brings the soft breath of happiness, the tender touch and the unrestrained tear of gratitude.

We tell the story of Identity.  We tell the weary who they are.  We show them the Kingdom of their heritage.  We hand them their scepter and point to the limitless Light of Love
which is their dominion.  We look up and out and “show unto mankind his uprightness.  This is the Father’s business, so let us be at it.

Dear Mary and John, 

Happy Christmas to you folks!  This Christmas Season finds a New Star in the Heavens—this one to tell those with ears to hear of the New Jerusalem wherein there is neither sorrow nor darkness, nor age nor death.  

The Holy City is already the fact, you know.  Isness is the totality of all Being within which there is nothing that makes a lie.  In all singleness there is nothing to make it dual, and we do not have to wait to see this fact!  While there presently appear to be an inside and an outside, a here and a not-here, a now and a not-now, all these things are only aspects of the Whole, the All—for which this Awareness “we” are is the activity.

Mind (1) aware (2) of Itself (3) is a Holy Trinity Itself.  “Itself” knows these three are One Mind, one Love.

Well, this started out to be a simple Christmas greeting.

Don’t you forget that all the carols and bright lights, decorations and happy children are for you!  Who else is the Christ?


The Christmas Season commemorates our own awakening, birth of the Christ Truth within, arrival of our own Identity.  The Christmas Season marks the prodigal’s return from the land of husks.  This is the time when the fires of the hearth are rekindled—the time for coming home.

Coming home to what?  To consciousness, to Identity, to the heritage promised us from the beginning, to the Love we are, to the carefree Child we are, to warmth and tenderness, simplicity and gentleness—to the happiness that REALITY is!

Reader, if I could give you the gift of childlikeness, I would.  But this is our nature already—and this is the only nature that comes to see, accept and live the Real.  Intellectuality decries the season, anxious to explain it and then to have it over.  But childlikeness sees the sparkle of silver tassels all year.  Childlikeness listens to the laughter of angels every minute.  Childlikeness tastes the sweet sugarplums of Simplicity right here, right now—and feels the gentle Love of Christmas forever!  


If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery - you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones  -- samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Friday, September 27, 2013



By Sandy Jones 

The beauty of this discovery of our Real Identity, the Child, it that every one will have his own unique words, and ways of expressing it. Because when you find It, you actually find yourself, so it is very personal and very familiar to you. You know when you find it, you will feel like you came home. There is no doubt about it. You find a deep and abiding peace within you, it is you because you know who you are.  It's a match made in Heaven, truly.

There are no words to define this Infinite Love that we have come to know. This Living Presence, this Illimitable Being, is Life Itself and It it the very Light of your soul, the very self you are. 

When you find yourself, you become your own authority. You have broken free from teachings, leaders, dogma and indoctrination. You have no need to follow. You are your own Light, fully aware that you are into the wellspring of the Divine. You are alone with all that is, the entire world is who you are and it flowing with you and through you, moving you. 

We fine our own sweet childlike joy, and it is enlightened indeed, it is clear and bright and unbound.  I am running with this holy Child of mine. The illumination and enlightenment I found is nothing like what I thought it would be. Nothing like it. It is a zillion times better, more wondrous and so real, authentic and it's me, it's mine.  

For me, I have found an ongoing, ever flowing, moving, living, unfolding joy and wonder and delight of being who I am. The soul of myself is illimitable, intelligent, alive and free.  

 What i did find is that the Truth isn't bound to meet human expectations. And God is still a mystery to me, but i know this self I am, this self of me is made in the perfect image of this Ineffable Ever Present Life being all that I am. And I grow clearer every day.  

Truth, Realty, Love, Peace, Illumination is you, yourself, you are the one you were looking for. You are your one and only Love that you find. The one you have always known.  

The Child I am carries nothing, I am loosened from all concepts of what enlightenment might look like or act like or say or do.  I let that whole idea go. And I don't sit still, I don't meditate- but I am full of giggles and joy and laughter, vitality. I feel like a kid again.  It's just so easy to be with My Self Now. Comfortable, safe, Home, Knowing Everything Is Alright. Yes, It is True. It happened, I came Home, I found My Self.

There are no teachers Here-as-I am, there are no absolutes as I live in this Absolute Infinite Light of My Self.

You are It, and It is Living, Alive, Vital, it is the Living Truth and You are Life Itself. 

We find freedom - it is this Living Beauty, we are the Light of Life, The Living One, the Gift, The Perfect One you are the one you longed for, the Love of your Life is Your Self.

Happy Trails to You,  Love,  Sandy  

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery - you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones  -- samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tree Of Life Is Soon To Bloom


  Even beyond the turbulence of subjectivism, there are sticking places where physical scientists and metaphysicians are loitering along the banks, wading in the shallows of arrogance and self-superiority. In this world of appearances, metaphysicians wax, wane and suffer no less than anyone else and, in the end, they find their brands of subjectivism inadequately meeting their own needs, much less the needs of the world. Caught in the sterile void of "absoluteness," the suffering subjectivist faces an awful anguish and wonders why his metaphysics does not work as it did in the beginning, why his organizations languish and why there are no more answers now than a hundred years ago. This book is for the metaphysician, the physicist and astronomer who want more Light—and the answers to those questions.

  Once I wrote of the chemical insanity that would smash the world—and it did. Now I speak of a new madness in the name of pseudo-metaphysics to shake the world, wherein much of mankind will find its faith in everything shattered, unable to find God's good in anything, anywhere, outside himself. Completely unaware of it, the bastions of legitimate subjectivism face an attack from every quarter by an insecure and threatened "religion," in the NAME of religion which isn't working either. The only ones who won't be conquered in the melee already begun, objectivist and subjectivist alike, will be those who have moved onward in their studies to FIND the Light of the Child within themselves and follow Its leadings rather than the world's.


  In the days ahead, when the flowering begins, those who ran with the Child will be part of the flower and the seed.

  As time goes, physical science will soon understand what time and space are actually about. In a very literal sense, we are approaching the end of human ignorance. If the prophets are right—and they have been remarkably right to date—our reach to the limits of light, human understanding, corresponds to a period of tumult in personal and world affairs. Therefore, we have only a short time remaining to turn from our self-limiting views, slough off the old sense of ignorance with its cherished notions, and awaken to the Child of Identity and Its birthright.

  But that isn't the end of things either. Humanity is soon to make a spiritual and metaphysical breakout into a new day, a new time and space. Those who find the Child within, and listen to Its Covenant, are to DO what they have been intended to do from the beginning of linear history. Another "dimension" is to be added! This book is about that.

  The reader has a role to play in these events. This volume would not have come into your hands unless you were to be a part of the story soon to unfold.


Dear Reader,

  Truth, however it is expressed—whether it is the physics of the world or the jargon of the mystic—contains layer upon layer of meaning, addressing every human condition and state of comprehension. Consider David's Twenty-Third Psalm. His words "I shall not want" mean something to the trusting child, to the fearful heart of the soldier, to the anguished lover, the worried business man, the invalid, the mother and father. It is a meaningful statement to the aging heart of one grown weary of the world or to any human condition one might imagine. Isn't that true? If those four words can mean so much to so many, is it any wonder that some meanings may elude us for the moment?

  Reader, do not struggle with this book. Read gently. If something seems vague, do not puzzle overmuch, but read on. Things that aren't clear immediately will become clear later, and when you have an opportunity to reread small sections, you will be delighted to find that the book has become new again. Repetition is not necessarily repetition. With each Glimpse the entire book is new—and so is our world—because it is yet to be surveyed in the light just discovered. There is more to read on each topic in the RELATED PAPERS section of the book.

  There is a saying that nothing has been read once until it has been read twelve times. Read these words. Make them your own. 'Eat them up;' as the ancients said. But with all the reading and thought, get understanding. The intellect can reach no more than its limits of reason and logic. The New Covenant this book speaks of is lodged deeply within yourself already. Your Heart will take you there. I assure you, this book heralds Something Wonderful.


  One of the grandest gifts I could give the reader is to introduce two small volumes: THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS and LaoTse's TAO TE CHING. You may be familiar with them already. If not, you will enjoy them mightily.

  The Thomas "sayings of Jesus" came into my studies around 1958 when they were first published in English. They came ringing a Hallelujah Chorus of bells within me, confirming my own insights and intuitions of many years, just as the TAO TE CHING had done earlier. Now, these years later, the authenticity and antiquity of "Thomas" is an established fact recognized by scholars the world around, and I am not the only one to deduce that both men are making essentially the same subjective statement—and addressing the innocent, guiltless Child within us all.

  These two books require a reading from a "subjective" point of view wherein they make a consistent metaphysics. Neither book can be comprehended by the Western set of mind that views "things" as separate objects "out there" in the world.
If the reader should find unfamiliar quotations from Jesus as he reads this book, he can find them in THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS.

  It might be well to note that LaoTse preceded Jesus in history by about five centuries. The scholar can follow the Gnostic Idea from East to West to its birth as a doctrine of Love in the first century A.D.—only to have all but traces of its original subjectivism removed from worldly view within the first 500 years of its history. Interestingly, this is what both Jesus and LaoTse said would happen—and the prophets before them. However, both men say, in nearly identical terms, that in the final days of linear time "There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, and there is nothing covered that shall remain without being uncovered."

The Child Within Us Lives! By William Samuel 
Available on Amazon

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery - you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones  -- samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -