William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Presence of Perfection

Excerpt from 

by William Samuel 

The arithmetic illustration is a means by which one is able to comprehend the continuing PRSENCE OF PERFECTION everywhere.

     Consider a few more interesting parallels. Two plus two is four; this is a simple fact of arithmetic. Two plus two is four—not five, not three, not four and one-tenth, not three and ninety-nine one-hundredths. Two plus two is four and nothing else. The perfect fact exists. The principle proclaims only the correct statement that two plus two equals four. Any other answer, no matter how close, is not the correct answer nor is it contained within the principle and has no existence at all so far as this perfect principle is concerned.

     Now can anyone doubt the accuracy of the principle? The schoolboy who finds a mistake on his school paper knows the mistake is not in the principle itself. He does not blame arithmetic for the error. The error exists outside the principle; yet the principle, when understood as it is, serves to correct the mis-worked problem. It is because principle exists as an immutably perfect fact that one is able to enjoy the facts it embodies.

     Exactly so, Reality is what Reality is, absolute Truth. It is perfect, harmonious Fact in which there is nothing “that worketh or maketh a lie.” The schoolboy does not blame arithmetic for the errors on his paper, nor does the pianist blame Beethoven if she errs at the piano. So why blame God, the perfect Principle of Being, for the untoward events of life?

     Consider Eternity in the light of arithmetic. When did the principle of arithmetic begin? Ponder this a moment and you will see clearly that it had no beginning at all. It has always existed as itself. It is as eternal as existence. And when will it end? What can happen to alter or destroy the principle of arithmetic? Does it get sick? Can it be maimed or crippled? Can it be killed in a war? Can an atom bomb destroy it? If this entire planet were blown to dust by hydrogen weapons, would the principle of arithmetic be affected at all? No. It would still exist untouched and perfect as ever. Two plus two would still be four. It would not be bent in the least.

     In exactly this way the Principle of all existence (called God) is eternal, without beginning and without end, indestructible and continuous in being, no matter what the tortured meanderings of human activity. And since the principle continues, so continues all that principle is. As long as there is a principle of arithmetic, addition, subtraction and everything else arithmetic is, continues.

     Well, God (Divine Principle, Reality) continues also; hence, all that God is continues. God, the substance and essence of all that is, remains perfect, unabated and untouched—everywhere present, nowhere absent.

     Arithmetic is perfect, single, completeness. It is shown forth, made tangible or apparent, by the various signs and symbols of arithmetic.

     Consider numbers for a minute. They exist because the principle of arithmetic exists. If there were no principle there would be no numbers. Because the principle is infinite, there is an infinity of numbers. We might say that numbers “live and move and have their being” in the principle of arithmetic because the principle is. The numbers are as eternal and immaterial, as indestructible and perfect as the principle. They are because principle is and for no other reason. So long as there is a principle, there will be the perfect signs and symbols that manifest it.

  Even though there is an infinity of numbers, each of them is separate and distinct from the others. 3 is 3 and not 4. 4 is 4, distinctly individual and separate from 5. Yet the numbers in and of themselves are nothing. The value is the principle itself. The importance is principle itself. The primordial substance is principle, and the numbers are principle manifest as numbers. In or of themselves, numbers are just numbers being principle's self-evidence.

     No number can exist outside the perfect principle. No number has a mind or will of its own to do what it chooses. No single number or group of them can be anything other than exactly what they are, which is Principle manifest as that particular aspect of principle. There is no life, truth, intelligence and substance in the numeral itself. The principle is all the life, truth, intelligence and substance there is. The numerals are what they are already, without having to do anything to get that way... without having to worry about sustenance and supply, food or money to stay that way. There is no separation at all between principle and numbers. It is all principle being itself.

     Well, so what? How does this illustration relate practically to this daily experience? “What good does all this business do me?” you ask.

     All the people, places and things one sees, including the body called mine, me, Bill, or Anne, are all, like numbers, being what they are (actually) because a principle of Reality exists—call it a Principle of Existence, Being, Consciousness, God or whatever you like. The name is not important, but the fact of Being is.

     It is not possible to deny that Being is. The mere fact that one is aware of existing is obvious proof that something exists; so, if something, anything, exists, then there is Existence—there is Being—there is the fact of Being. Since there is something being, there is reality concerning what is being. It is this Reality, this Principle of Being that is called God.

     Reality is God. God is what is. God is the Principle of all being. Now, (note the following carefully, for it is the very heart of this presentation) awareness is being aware of these words, hence awareness is being. Just as God is the principle of all being, even so God is the principle of this very awareness aware of these words, right here, right now—this very awareness called Bill, Rachel, John or Betty. 

     Consider Awareness at this very instant. This same Awareness that reads these words may also look about and see a table or a chair, a bouquet there, or a little boy. If might look across the way and see a tree, a mountain, a star or a galaxy. Indeed, this Awareness, right here, right now, just might look up and see the Universe! Now I ask you, have you ever been separate from this Awareness? No indeed. Everything you see, have ever seen or ever will see comes as this very Awareness that sees these words. Is this not so? Why, this Awareness is life itself. When one says, “I am alive,” does he not mean, “I am aware”?

     Reader, do you see that you live forever alone with this Awareness? Have you ever been outside this Awareness? Every sight you have ever seen, every sound you have ever heard, every touch, every fragrance, every thought has always come to you as this awareness that is aware here and now. You have never seen a sight but your own sight which Awareness indicates is a book or a boy or a little blue flower. You have never heard a sound but your very own Awareness—and (listen carefully) you alone have decided for yourself whether you liked it or did not like it, whether it was good or evil. Indeed, you have never judged a thing 'out there' at all. You have been sitting in judgment of this total, all-inclusive alone and only Awareness which is your life itself.

   No, you have never been outside Awareness at all. The book, the bouquet, the tree, the soaring swallow are within this Awareness, not outside it. Just as the principle of arithmetic is the power, importance, and substance of all the numbers, exactly so this very awareness is the common denominator, the substance of all it perceives.

     The day will soon come when this Fact of Being smites all mankind with its beauty and truth. The perception of this single, simple Truth leaves one never again at the mercy of 'external' things. The objects of perception are seen and clearly understood to live and move and have their being, not as a power or importance of themselves—not as something out there—but as PRINCIPLE, REALITY, LIFE, BEING, GOD ITSELF manifest as what is seen. This recognition gives the glory to God where it rightfully belongs.

     The oneness and allness of God is self-evidently the fact of this Awareness which has forever been alone and All to everyone. Yes, the key is the singleness and all-inclusiveness of this very Awareness. This Awareness of existence, that is right here, right now, is divine! It is God's Awareness, not 'mine'. 

2+2=Reality by William Samuel -- Book available on Amazon

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery - you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones  -- samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Light of Truth Breaking Through

The Light of Truth Breaking Through    By William Samuel 


  (Middle of a conversation by the campfire. Samuel speaking.)

  A marvel happens in our affairs—a healing, say. Haven't you wondered what does the good work? Haven't you wondered exactly what happened or what caused it? Oh, we know that God is the source of all such good things, but exactly how? If we knew precisely what to look for, wouldn't that be a help? Of course. But we are usually looking for the specific healing, the answer to our perceived need of the moment, and if THAT need is met, we feel we've been successful in our study and prayer. It comes as a surprise to all of us, but the healing isn't the point.

  Listen, listen. It is the Glimpse that does the work. I don't know why that fact dawns on us so slowly. We seem to take forever to understand that the glimpses of Light inevitably come with healing on their wings. It is the glimpse itself that does the work in this space-time sense of things. More, the Glimpse is the work! It doesn't come merely to do for us, but to be us.

  Why are we seekers of Truth so slow to put our finger directly on the agent? We know God does the good work, but the specific agent, the specific event, goes unnoticed until something special happens. This very moment in our experience is a “something special” happening, so keep listening carefully. 

  For years I worked and struggled, pondered and pined to “know the truth.” I read voraciously to catch the glimpses and glimmers, but the vital connection that was absolutely essential eluded me. That is, I didn't understand it was the Glimpse itself that came through as Godhead's own Truth entering this scene I am, to brighten and enliven it.

  Once upon a time I wanted the glimpse to bring information to this old sense of myself and work a wonder for it. Hear this softly now: The Glimpse doesn't just bring the truth like a messenger; the Glimpse is the Truth; the Glimpse is the Light; the Glimpse is our genuine Selfhood emerging!

  The value of the Glimpse itself eludes everyone until precept upon precept, here a little, there a little, slowly it dawns. Many never make the connection—not even ministers and practitioners who are working to teach and heal their worlds. Most remain unaware that it is the Glimpse of Light that matters and does the work in the phenomenal world.

  So what is the big deal here? We have intuitively known something good happens as we search and study our Bibles and books. That's why we study so expectantly. Yet, somehow, a veil hangs between the Glimpse and the inner knowledge that it is the Glimpse itself that matters and has come to us for a specific, healing purpose of its own.

  “What are you saying, Bill? All day we have been talking about the Child within. Now you seem to have changed course.”

  We haven't left the Child at all. Tonight we are examining the Child in even more detail. Let me try again. The GLIMPSE of Light does the work; the glimpse has the value, and nothing else in all this human experience is half so real as that instant of insight. That's what I mean here. That Glimpse is the Light of Godhead breaking into this consciousness of tangibility, into this awareness of space and time. The Glimpse is the Child stirring within. The Glimpse doesn't merely come from the Child, it is the Child of us.

  Perhaps my initial inability to fully understand this had to do with the methods of instruction in my school days—or the way I was taught to comprehend things sequentially in a three-dimensional world. Maybe it was the way intellectual comprehension follows spiritual revelation, the revelation precedes understanding. The Glimpse of Light precedes the tangible scene even though we are not conscious of that. Most definitely my inability to understand had much to do with my linear sense of time.

  People often say they have some sense of the Truth “intellectually straight” but haven't felt it in their hearts yet. This usually means that they are, as I was then, trying to catch a Glimpse along some specific line of heart's desire of the moment—about money or health or something. Well, I don't know that we can determine exactly what the Glimpse is to be about, but I am absolutely certain the Glimpse itself is the Real breaking into this limited dimension of human thought—and here in this tangible sense of things we need a continuing flow of Glimpses. Never mind whether they concern one's current questions or clear up intellectual points about religion and metaphysics or “heal” a problem of the moment. Never mind that! Go for the Glimpse! The Glimpse is the Child of ourself coming through! The Child comes with feelings, yes, but as insights of Light we can confirm in the world. 

  Yes, the Glimpse is the REAL coming into our affairs and it is the Glimpse that counts, not our human experience. 

(Pause to stir the fire and watch the sparks fly upward.)

“Yes, I'm seeing and hearing something!”

  Good. Now listen gently. What needs are to be met by the Glimpse or what happens to us because of the Glimpse is not as important as the Glimpse itself. The Glimpse is IT. It is the Child Identity coming through. Light comes as infinitely more than human thinking imagines.

Excerpt From The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics 

Available on Amazon

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery - you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones  -- samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Monday, June 23, 2014

More About Balance

Artwork "Ewe Know" by Sandy Jones 

Excerpt from  
"The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics"  
By William Samuel 


There are those who make a start in religion and metaphysics and then there are the really earnest people who don't stop overlong in the comfortable corners but keep going. The religious subjectivist—the metaphysician and the philosopher—who doesn't complete the interface from Mind to tangibility, and from tangibility back to Mind, is walking in a void of voids, allowing judgmentalism to destroy his inmost happiness while disclaiming the reality of matter. Moreover, he finds himself unable to do anything about the inescapable “unreality” that sticks to him like glue. These are the good but misled people who have stopped in Absoluty. In the absolute mode, one wears blinders to his knees. The disclaimer of matters reality is not the final subjectivism we are called to understand and live. Matter is not what it seems, but what it is, is to be understood and not denied.

The real subjectivists are those who have found the simple Child of themselves. These are the metaphysicians who enjoy the inclusive vistas of Metadelphia but aren't trapped there. The Child with his journal leads us straight through the heart of Calvinopolis, St. Doxy and Metadelphia—even through the prisons of absoluteness itself—through every closed door and through the thick walls of religion and metaphysics. The Child within takes us on to a BALANCE which we maintain as we hurry up the mountain, LIVING our subjectivism objectively in the world.

That balanced walk takes us along the narrow pathway of confirmation where we see the high ideal beginning to be perceived and lived in the world of men.

Somewhere near the peak, we and the Child become one in actual living fact, not just in metaphysical profession. We are given CONFIRMATION. In a new name, we reign over the All in all that exists within. That reign isn't a passive sitting back to enjoy the “fruits” of nirvanic bliss or subjective joy, but an active WORK in the world that elevates, heals, cleanses, inspires, and dissipates guilt, and in so doing, explains and answers the paradoxes of life. More, it puts wings on our feet and on the feet of those who see our Light. Atop Da Shan, one looks at the world and sees it again as did the Zen master who beheld the mountain “again” from the perspective of no mountain. This time we stop our endless denial of matter's reality or existence and see matter for the confirmation of God it represents. We stop chattering like monkeys about the inability of words to speak of Wordless Ineffability and begin saying it. We begin to understand the paradoxes of human living and, perhaps for the first time in our experience, we know what to do about them. More, we find ourselves with the ability and means to do something for our entire world—and we get off our butts and begin DOING it.

The journal we tend may seem to be only the smallest stirring in the cathedral.  After all, how many mice scramble at the wiggle of a pencil? But soon we are drumming our fingers on the arm rail. Soon the sounds of our feet are rhyming the rhythm of the Child's celestial sounds and are doing something in the Cathedral and its gardens of Mind. We are in this world to do something good for all mankind.

The Child of us holds the hand of all mankind, and as the world responds, the Child knows it. The Child, as you surely know by now, holds the hand of Godhead—and God knows exactly what we have perceived in the Cathedral. The flow of the Child's Light pours from God through the tips of our fingers and from the words we speak. That flow is reflected back to us, delayed by time it seems, thence to return to Source, bearing evidence of our effort. Either we live this Equation or we don't. If we live it, we are alive. If we don't, we we are yet sleeping in the Light and little time is left for us to awaken.

The journal has been the means by which the me-sense of me has been aligned with the Child of Self, thence to be displaced by it. My journal has been my interface with God and man. Even now, those words are these words—and it can be exactly the same for the reader. All you must do is begin. See for yourself whether or not your own inmost thoughts don't begin to do wonderful things in your affairs. 

They will. They will. No longer must the scholar, the psychologist, the minister or the practitioner do the stirring vicariously for you. You will do it for yourself. This matter of our saving grace is not up to the government or the church, the philosophy or system. It is a matter that takes place between ourself alone and God.

Excerpt from   "The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics"  By William Samuel 

Available on Amazon 

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery - you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones  -- samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -