William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas is the Child I Am


The Christmas Season is more than the matter of a few days.  Christmas is the Heart’s Season and the Heart is forever.  Christmas is Love’s Season and Love is without end.  Christmas is the season that belongs to children and there is no time when we are not children.

What is meant by the Christmas Story of “the coming of the Christ"?  The Christ is the Truth.  The Truth is the Christ.  Truth ‘comes’ as a dawning.  The Christ is our discovery of the Truth we are.  The yearned-for Messiah is none other than the here and now awareness awakened to the meaning of these words.  Does not the Christ say, “I am the truth”?  We declare without doubt or hesitation that we are the Presence of the living Comforter come to “set all things straight.”  We take this Identity unto the Self and live it.  We gird up the loins and live it. 

Somewhere along the line comes the truthful (Christ-full) discovery that we are not a finite body containing life, awareness, within it, but that we are awareness, Life, Love, containing all bodies within “us”.  Reader, for me that awakening is the Christmas of the Christ-I-am—a pure and pristine Light out of a new day, immaculately conceived, untouched by the world—a holy Child born in a manger.  But a child beset quickly by the intellectual Herod I fancied myself to be.

The child we are survives, however.  The child of Light “grows strong” and dares, with simple honesty and actions that coincide, to challenge the fiction for the fraud it is.  This is your Season, Reader.  This season commemorates your Self-discovery.  This Christmas is YOU.  The pealing bells, the carols, the holly leaves, the laughter, red noses, plum pudding, tinsel and happy tears are yours.  These things, every one, are ours.  They are us.  They are Identity.  This holy season is the merriment that Love is and it commemorates our own Identity discovered.

The discovery may seem to do with time, but the Discovered and the Discoverer are eternal, quite beyond the clock, above the measure of months, more than can be circumscribed by strings of twinkling lights or the jingle of bells.  Love is the measure of this Season.  Love tells its story.  Unbound, honest, simple, gentle and childlike LOVE is the gift we open and the gift we are.


At this moment it seems to me that we have a most important “mission”.  It is to discover and live the Christ-Love we are that we may be found to be the comforter of this world of images

that appears within the Selfhood that Awareness is.  As I be lifted up,” says the Christ, “all mankind shall be lifted likewise and drawn unto Me.”

We give the gift of Childlikeness to our world.  We give the gift of unbounded joy.  We give the gift of tenderness that warms the Heart and brings the soft breath of happiness, the tender touch and the unrestrained tear of gratitude.

We tell the story of Identity.  We tell the weary who they are.  We show them the Kingdom of their heritage.  We hand them their scepter and point to the limitless Light of Love which is their dominion.  We look up and out and “show unto mankind his uprightness.  This is the Father’s business, so let us be at it.

Dear Mary and John, 

Happy Christmas to you folks!  This Christmas Season finds a New Star in the Heavens—this one to tell those with ears to hear of the New Jerusalem wherein there is neither sorrow nor darkness, nor age nor death.  

The Holy City is already the fact, you know.  Isness is the totality of all Being within which there is nothing that makes a lie.  In all singleness there is nothing to make it dual, and we do not have to wait to see this fact!  While there presently appear to be an inside and an outside, a here and a not-here, a now and a not-now, all these things are only aspects of the Whole, the All—for which this Awareness “we” are is the activity.

Mind (1) aware (2) of Itself (3) is a Holy Trinity Itself.  “Itself” knows these three are One Mind, one Love.

Well, this started out to be a simple Christmas greeting.

Don’t you forget that all the carols and bright lights, decorations and happy children are for you!  Who else is the Christ?


The Christmas Season commemorates our own awakening, birth of the Christ Truth within, arrival of our own Identity.  The Christmas Season marks the prodigal’s return from the land of husks.  This is the time when the fires of the hearth are rekindled—the time for coming home.

Coming home to what?  To consciousness, to Identity, to the heritage promised us from the beginning, to the Love we are, to the carefree Child we are, to warmth and tenderness, simplicity and gentleness—to the happiness that REALITY is!

Reader, if I could give you the gift of childlikeness, I would.  But this is our nature already—and this is the only nature that comes to see, accept and live the Real.  Intellectuality decries the season, anxious to explain it and then to have it over.  But childlikeness sees the sparkle of silver tassels all year.  Childlikeness listens to the laughter of angels every minute.  Childlikeness tastes the sweet sugarplums of Simplicity right here, right now—and feels the gentle Love of Christmas forever!  

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Christmas Light

"Ojai Christmas"  by Sandy Jones 

From William Samuel's Unpublished Private Journal -   1982       

The Child's Way and the Holy Spirit are the same 

The Child’s Way is the Way of the Holy Sprit.

The Child’s Way is the Christ Light’s Way.

The experience of the Holy Spirit is the point at which one touches the Chid’s path.  The experience of being “born again” (which one FEELS and KNOWS is unique and wonderful, unlike anything that has happened in his life before) is the birth of the subjective idea wherein one is becoming acquainted with the INTERNAL nature of Being and the Universe. 

The study of subjectivism is the external school of the Child, though I don’t know a single metaphysics in the world (except for original Christianity and Original Taoism) which knows of the significance of the Child within us.

Granted, theology certainly speaks of the Soul of Man and its importance, but somewhere the Soul’s identity as the Child of God--which is the Child one IS--was lost and is no longer taught. 

Perhaps the return of this idea constitutes what Jesus spoke of as the Comforter that comes following.   If so, these words come to hail the Comforter which comes to do all things. Whatever may be the case, there is no doubt in my mind that this work heralds the beginning of the blossoming of the Tree of Life, the final flowering, the Seed of which will be the Chosen, the plucked and taken away into another time and space.  There become the New Planting for the next Pulse of Light, somewhere else in Godhead. 

Those who perceive this Idea will become part of the new community of Correspondents whose efforts will become dramatically synergistic to their own amazement and take place ABOVE the battles that will rage full fledged around them.  These Children will take no sides. They will battle neither for the right nor the left,  neither for the right nor the wrong, nor even for the good against the evil, knowing a higher Good that transcends even as it encompasses all human concepts. They will be cognizant of the reasons for the worlds struggles, but as they live  in the world and until the seed corn is gathered by God Himself they will continue to Love God with all their hearts and minds and they will love all mankind as themselves, constantly acting in their behalf for Good. 

If you would like to read more about The Child

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

The Season of the Child

The Season of the Child 

Notes From Woodsong      By William Samuel

This is the season of the Child.  The Child, not children.  The Child is eternal—and is all that’s real of us.  Christmas represents the rediscovery of the Immortal Child that indwells us all—the Christ whom the season celebrates.

In the natural way of the world, the Child of us is outgrown, buried in adultery (adulthood) and all but forgotten.  When we get our metaphysics straight, we become aware of the Child again.  If your view of truth is not disclosing the Child you are, then it’s time to get busy and find someone who can tell you what to DO.  We either return to the Child or die—said all the prophets and the Christ Himself.

The unbound Awareness that reads these words is the Child!  When the Truth, as the Truth IS, is disclosed to us, we are lifted from the human garbage and “reborn.”  We rediscover the Child-I-Am and find ourselves untouched by all the years of anguish and adulthood.  Right here where we are, we FEEL new ENTHUSIASM, VIGOR and  EXCITEMENT!  We are filled AGAIN with Glimpses and Glimmers!  If you metaphysics isn’t doing this for you, you are cheating yourself, denying your Heritage—and these words are exactly the Christmas gift you need.

My Friend, the discovery of Identity, the Christ Child we are, is just the beginning of our work.  There is much , much more to do.  We are not here for nothing.  We are not given glimpses and glimmers just to make us feel good.  Those glimpses (to use the Bible’s words) are “the word of God,” the “living water,” and if we are not getting them and FEELING them as we did in the first days of Truth’s study, something is amiss.  Our glimpses of Light are the only real measure of “progress,” spiritual or otherwise.  If one is without zest—lukewarm, as the prophet said—there is something we must do!  What?  Ask me.  Ask.  You will get an honest answer.

We may not like the way the world looks nor how we feel, but everything in our subjective world is happening exactly as is necessary for our awakening and Self-discovery.  How our view of the world goes NOW depends absolutely on our PROGRESS in continuing Self-examination and BEING.  If one is distressed and bewildered by the things happening in the world, there is more to see, perceive, understand, and DO.

The world’s darkness—called evil—belongs to darkness and is not what it SEEMS.  How could the cicada know that the cold blackness of earth is only part of the plan?  The worm’s struggle in the dark night of the cocoon is a distant dream to the butterfly winging its way in light.  The many trials and tribulations that have allowed me to write these lines with AUTHORITY have not been bad—but GOOD, for the much light they have let me see and tell of.  There is no way to forgive evil in the world short of UNDERSTANDING it.  I am able to forgive evil, KNOWING it is the apparent outline (delineation) of sinless Being.  Knowing that, we know what next to do in the world. 

Yes, we “know the Truth” of appearances first, my friend, but listen, listen: after that, WE DO FOR THE APPEARING what the Truth allows us to do.  We know “there is no starvation in Truth” first, but our job isn’t finished until we send a tangible sack of beans to the appearance!

“Why should I feed the dream?” asks the absolute metaphysician?  Because the Christ gave food for the belly as well as food for the heart.

The darkness the worm experiences is necessary for the butterfly’s emergence.  The darkness of the world’s dream is necessary for the comprehension of dreamless Being.  The belief of life in matter, obverse in every way to Truth of Being, is, if it is at all, necessary for the conscious recognition of Immortal Being.  Therefore, it isn’t “bad.”

Lucifer, the fallen light from heaven, was/is God’s angel attempting to duplicate god’s heaven and earth and claim it as his own creation.  The time comes for each of us to stop playing that role.  We are able to stop when we realize the human situation may be humanly awful, but it isn’t evil and it isn’t bad.  Ultimately we are forced to forgive ourselves for believing the delusion.  THEN, what we give the delusion ENDS the delusion.  THEN, we perceive the divine equation and live it gloriously.

 God forgives our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us.  If, as the Bible records God can forgive all mankind for its vain imaginings (that is, if Absolute Light can forgive its own knowledge of shadows or supposititious opposites) then I can forgive the BELIEF of ego, body and world, history and genetic input, parents and children, and everyone and EVERYTHING—thence THANK them all for the inexorable service they have rendered every step of my way!

Listen, listen:  When I DID, everything became new and I was like a reborn Child of God.    So can those who have suffered enough of the delusion and are willing to let God be all in all—and their me-sense the nothing it is.  Those who do, find the true Identity—AWARENESS, the I-EYE of God, beholding and FEELING goodness everywhere—even when the tangible body appears to be falling apart; even when the world appears to be ending; even when our humanhood and body are growing old and helpless.  

“What of death?” someone asks.
Now listen here:  The cicada in the ground knows nothing of the cicada climbing the tree—and certainly nothing of the cicada winging and singing its way through the boughs—yet it is the same life appearing in sequential forms.

The blind worm that spins a cocoon can’t see the butterfly’s emergence nor its fluttering feasts of nectar, but it is the same life appearing sequentially.  The difference to the cicada and worm is a new dimension of light/sight.

If such wonders s these happen here “on earth” right before our eyes—a single small form of life emerging into new forms, its life uninterrupted by transition from one form to the next—what unspeakable, unthinkable wonders are in store for us when we put down the pupa and awaken to the Grand Dimension of Fountainhead and Source!

LIFE is untouched by the sad sights and sounds of the human struggle.  LIFE doesn’t bemoan the cicada’s struggle to leave the shell behind.  Life doesn’t sink in sadness because the worm stretches and strains in the cocoon.  Life knows the cicada’s song.  Life has seen the butterfly winging.  Life has tasted the nectar.  Life has never been separate from its Source, Life lives eternally.

Yes, yes,  Everything is all right, my friend,  Everything is all right.  And, knowing that, we send the food we have to spare where it appears people are hungry.  “Whatsoever you do for the least of there….”  Says the Christ Light of Christmas.

                     Season’s JOY from William Samuel

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Friday, December 9, 2016

A Walk With Bill Samuel



Woodsong Journals -  1984 
   Many have written me about loneliness—aloneness—and I answer all of you here.  It is a subject I am familiar with—we are all familiar with.  From the human standpoint I have been alone.  I have been lonely.  I have suffered the bereavement of abandonment, the dereliction of desolation, the forlornment of friendlessness and forsakenness, the seclusion, the awful seclusion of unsought solitude. I (as Bill) have been alone, unassisted, unaided, unattended when it seemed I needed personal comfort—when I wanted something more than metaphysical mollification, more than philosophical platitudes.  We have all cried for a relief more tangible, more holdable, more concrete than an injection of philosophical inspiration at different times in our experience.

            And you know, loneliness isn’t limited to being physically alone.  It can happen in a crowd.  One can be surrounded by family and loved ones and still feel desolate, deserted, insular, isolated, reduced to ashes.  I know. I know.  But dear friends, all of you whom I love so, no matter how awful this loneliness, no matter how arduous the experience of it when it appears is as it should be and serves a purpose!
            “What?  What?  My God, what?!” asks the lonely heart; asks the single flower blooming in the corner of the garden; asks the last leaf on the limb; asks the solitary sentry at his post; asks the bleeding soldier clawing at the mud; asks the mother at the bier of a child; asks the evening whippoorwill as the sun goes down.  Who hasn’t asked the reasons for suffering?  Who hasn’t wondered about loneliness?  To the human sense of things, loneliness is a suffering, and suffering is a loneliness that screams.
            Darkness is what Light knows Light is not—the means by which it knows infinitely.  The All One is never alone in any kind of anguish—and knows it.  Hopefully the long, preceding pages have helped make this clear.  A further study of them surely will.  But, for the moment, put the study aside and take a walk with me.  Listen softly. 

            There is a pathway leading to the river. It goes down a hill, crosses a road, winds through a field soon to be green with Spring. Then it enters the forest and makes its way along ridges, across gullies and washes, over beds of leaves and pine-straw, fallen logs and rocks.
            I usually walk with a stick.  Oh, there’s great comfort in carrying a stick with one.  There is more to it than meets the eye.  My habit of carrying a stick grew out of a soldier’s loneliness, if nothing else—and out of the comfort of feeling the wood of company and companionship in one’s hand.
            A stick serves to steady one in steep places and to help one over the hard climbs.  It serves to brush branches out of the way and to turn over strange stones for an examination.  A stick lets me tilt a flower toward me for better seeing, without having to bend down every time.  It lets me bat pinecones like a little boy—or send seed spattering over the ground where it will be nested by the wind and rain to grow in another season.  A stick, a staff, can be such a friend.
            And yet, I’ve seen it be a protector too.  Predators have been turned aside by the sight of it.  I’ve awakened sleeping rabbits with it, but it also reaches out and brings the muscadines within touch. It can bring a wild apple tumbling down and sometimes turn the leaves aside revealing a fig the birds haven’t found—or a persimmon that clings to the branch.  In the summer it can tap the wild plums into my hand or turn away the briars of blackberry to let me reach the fruit.

            What has this to do with loneliness?  Really, I don’t know—except it allows me to tell you that I have learned that even a simple walking stick—a piece of cut dogwood, willow or laurel—can be company and comfort for me.  And if one can do that from such a simple piece of wood, don’t you see that you can find comfort for yourself too, out of the much you have—and out of the much that is available to you?  If comfort resides in such a small tangible thing, how much more is available to us in the intangible and unseen?
              Love to you from my hills of Alabama,

                               ( Bill Samuel )

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery - you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones  -- samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -