William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Inscrutable Answer

Notes From Woodsong (1973) by William Samuel 

"About Shortages, Catastrophes, Floods, Crime, Grits And A World Generally Going Mad 

If we expect the end of human problems, global problems, problems in nature or from cosmic reaches, the end begins here and now with the Awareness viewing these words. One does not arrive at the end of catastrophes, shortages, wars-personal or global-while waiting for OTHERS to discover the truth WITH us. No! If we wait for others to discover and live the truth with us, we wait in vain past the midnight hour. ALONE, all alone, we begin right here and do the job for our world OURSELF! As Awareness, we do this ourself.

The Millennial Peace begins with YOU reader. The heralded Era lies in you hands of comprehension-not a government's, not in many working in organizational concert. The onus is yours to act on here and now! So, we get at it!……not we, but I. "I" get busy and return to the beginning. I return to the primal Christ light that observes and understands the perfection before it. I do. Not my others. Others see this example perhaps and as an added thing may go and do likewise. But, the perception of others perceiving and beginning to live the Truth comes as intellectual confirmation and really isn't important, for even when we see the world still destroying beliefs and dreams of misplaced value, we understand THAT appearance too-and understand why it is good. Not bad-good!"

The tangible Millennium yet to be seen in space-time awaits ones understanding what is before the eyes. There is no need to change anything but there is the divine command to UNDERSTAND everything. Were does that start if not HERE as I-awareness? With others? No. With I. We, as the wisdom and comprehension of God, look for the perfect reason undergirding every appearance. "EVERY appearance? Aren't some of them illusion and dream?" EVERY APPEARANCE. The dream has its reason for appearing too, else how would one know gentle dreamlessness?

There are those who come to us asking. What do we tell them? That THIS Awareness reading these words is the Christ life, finally come to set all things straight. "Even the affairs of the world?" ESPECIALLY the affairs of the world! "How?" By understanding appearances within Awareness and the perfect reason for their existence. We end the fixation with personal affairs to tend the world scene, the WHOLE scene! The grand librarian LaoTse wrote, "Understand the All, the Whole, and that alone…Be the stream of the UNIVERSE--- the sage takes care of ALL men and abandons no one. He takes care of ALL things and abandons nothing." "This," he said, "is called 'Following the Light.'"

Again, that keeper of words who wrote so few, said, "Understand Virtue (perfection) in yourself and Virtue will be real…comprehend virtue in the universe and virtue will be everywhere!" Who is to do this if not this one whom you call I? Someone else? There is no one else. Someone out there? There are none out there. ALL are within This Awareness being I.

"The world is a perfect vessel that cannot be improved." Yes, yes-but how this flouts the scientific, judgmental opinion that sees everything going straight to hell! How many times LaoTse must have been asked, "If all is perfect, master, then what are we to do?" His answer again and again, "Non-action is All-action."

That "inscrutable answer" can be comprehended now. Listen softly. The attempt to balance, heal, secure or correct the world scene is shadow play-sheer foolishness that has become so futile a child can see its headlong plunge into chaos, carnage. But to comprehend why the scene before the eyes is perfect just as it is to BEHOLD the scene healed, balanced, righted and secure. Immediately! NOW! Without wait and without effort; without the horrendous human struggle that avails nothing but disquiet.

We comprehend, we understand, we know. This is the non-action that is ALL action. This is the wisdom that appears to the eye as the healing of the nations. We want the Millennial Peace that brings the end of sin, sickness, disease and death? Then we BE it! Nothing less will do. We BE it consciously! We gird up our loins and BE it-then DO what that being demands! These words are just such a doing.

The attempt to heal a situation, personal or worldwide, is primarily the old sense of self at work. Ah, but to understand old-self at work is Self at work, Self's comprehension of Self. To understand personal or worldwide inequities is Self's comprehension of Self. Self's comprehension of Self perceives the reasons for, thence the end of, self and its inequities, individual or worldwide. This is the 'way' of enlightenment. "This is called 'Following the Light.'" This is the healing of the nations."

From Woodsong Notes 1973 

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Dominon is Ours

Excerpt from "The Awareness of Self-Discovery"

by William Samuel 

The honest action of our daily experience appears to be a quiet middle ground, a delicate balance. Consider, for instance, the cautious balance between not yielding and not contending—or not contending and not yielding.

In the human scheme of things, the refusal to yield to something we have come to perceive as a false authority is accompanied by the world's moral demand to do battle with that authority and set it straight—always for the idealistic benefit of others, of course. Such action is the product of human "education" and has become the intuitive reflex of a society geared to "progress." But there is another course of action open to us wherein we quietly refuse to yield to any authority but the Divine, yet remain careful (for our own peace and the benefit of the world) not to overstep that refusal thence to begin contending with the binding, confining false authority.

Of course, the world holds this course in grand contempt. Even the world's metaphysicians, by and large, attempt to rectify appearances, but our tangible freedom in daily experience will never be found outside this delicate balance between not yielding and not contending. 

No, we do not cow before the supposed power of images, signs and symbols, that have no power; we do not act as floor mats nor yield ourselves servants to obey the appearances of the world and its sundry enslaving ideas. But neither do we take those actions that constitute a battle with the world's pseudo-authority. When this delicate point is perceived and lived (and lived!) our vision of war, rebellion and personal inharmony is ended.


We do not belong to an organization no matter how many of them include our names on their roster of members. Rather, the organization, institution, fraternity, religion, church or government or whatever, "belongs" to us, included within and as the Consciousness we are. 

How can life belong to an idea it includes within itself? While the tangible point in time and space (called Bill or Mary) may "
belong" to this or that organization for intellectual or social purposes (and there is nothing wrong with that!) that does not mean that identity-I has surrendered its heritage. Our slowly arrived-at knowledge of this fact is the start of the conscious recovery of our holy Birthright. In Truth, it has never really been surrendered except in the binding, blinding belief that there is a medical fraternity, a scientific or religious organization, a marriage institution, a business and financial institution, a human society, government or body organization to which we are subservient members and, therefore, supposed to bow down, salaam three times and do what "they" say or pay the consequences "they" dictate.

The dominion is ours. "And God gave man dominion ..." "Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are...?" The New English Bible puts it: "You know well enough that if you put yourself at the disposal of a master, to obey him, you are slaves..."

Now, does this mean that we are to do battle with the appearances of "principalities and powers" "out there"? Not at all. It means that we see the Power here as I, not there as that. And then act in accord, and then act in accord.

"What if the institution will not permit me to act in accord?" Then we are forced to live (in order to know) that the institution has no authority to prevent the Self-all-is from being the Self-all-is. This is what is going on in the world of appearances right now. The only institutions that will survive the growing turmoil are those that yield up their pseudo-authority to let ISNESS be the Authority.

Now hear this: That yielding is not done out there with the appearance of the institution. It is done here as this awareness we are! Do you see this?


The Golden Thread of the Absolute exists. We know because we have found it. We feel, know and see the Fact of Singleness—evidence of Gods' ALLNESS. We who discern the Thread are come as the savior of our own appearing, the Christ to the Experience we are.

As I see it now, it makes no difference whether we are inside an organization or outside it, provided we do not feel a sense of restriction. Even then, cutting ourselves away does not mean we will find the restriction gone. It is the sense of being an identity capable of being restricted that appears to me as a "me" bound by an ailing body, oppressive organization or flat pocketbook. The axe at the root has to do with this one's position, not the "Church's." Identity is a matter of SELF determination and in the end, no organization, not even the body, can prevent the discovery.

Therefore, I do not presume to tell anyone whether he should join an organization or leave one. We each follow what seems the Heart-directed course of action. For myself, I once thought the wisteria vine was the most beautiful of all the flowers in the garden. As a gardener, I worked with my wisteria to the exclusion of all else and awakened one day entangled, no longer free to follow the sunlight outside the shadows. For me (though not necessarily for thee) it seemed wise to come out and be separate from that clinging vine because I could neither speak nor write of my own self-unfoldments without violating rules to which I had willingly agreed. So I cut myself away from the organizational rules and found the more distant purview of the wisteria lovelier than ever!  More: I found the beauty of the orchid!  I found the larkspur, the rose, the dandelion, the sassafras root and the wild woodland outside the regulated boundary of the garden!

Every flower in the garden is ME and I take my nectar from any book or blossom I see I be at the moment. Only those organizations that permit such freedom can survive. 

In all fairness I must point out again that my entanglement with the wisteria of old theology was not the wisteria's fault. A vine is a vine—neither good, bad, right nor wrong-but who can make wisteria into heather or a dandelion into a rose? If there isn't enough shade beneath the pine, we sit under an oak, but we don't cut down the pine nor strip it of its limbs. Its shade may be quite enough for the tufted titmouse, the bushy-tailed squirrel or the mercenary who thinks that tree is the only tree capable of dropping an "apple" in his lap.


Which is easier: to play the role of a great crusading contender doing impossible (and miserable) battle with society and its organizations, or to stop playing that role and rest in the happy Already? For myself, I prefer to let pine trees be pine trees and wisteria vines be wisteria vines. If, in blaming the vine for my own entanglement, I should succeed in pulling it up by the roots, what will I have to show for it except a hernia, a sore back and the sight of a wretched society ripped apart by excessive zealousness?

God's Phoenix of ALREADY does not have to rise from the ruins of a shattered society. It will appear to, of course, but those who know the forthright way of the middle ground—of the already Infinite—will not be troubled as the dream's last soliloquy is sounded, as the curtain falls with a crash and the mortal arc lights give way to the Light of the Eternal, sunshine of the Real.

William Samuel "The Awareness of Self-Discovery"


If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   



During the final days already in progress the dissolution of all that stands between ourselves and a full knowledge of the Truth will come. The Light is already here. New ideas are coming into common focus and old landmarks are being taken away. Cherished notions, oft the pillars of society, are crumbling with the shifting sand they stand on.

Everything that appears to hold mankind in bondage will finally give way. Freedom will out. The New Light is irresistible because it is already the only real fact.

As usual, many of the institutions whose first purpose was to tend the New Vine of Life as it broke forth into the Garden are now busily trying to confine that infinite vine to their narrow plots, pruning every new shoot and burning every seed the vine produces. Even as in days of yore, intellectual pomposity would attempt to regulate and administer the Light rather than be the Light—and like dogs in the manger, neither eat the oats nor let the oxen eat. Often the minister, the practitioner or the simple honest student who would labor for love of the Vine, rather than for the plot within which it appears to grow, finds himself alienated by the body of laws developed through the years to regulate the conduct of the gardeners—the Vine itself having long been lost sight of by the caretakers of the plot and their walls of human regulations. However, as appearances go, those walls are coming down too, being cracked asunder by the same infinite and eternal Vine which cannot be pruned. Neither can it be held to an old position.


There is the story of a palatial institution whose many members were constantly giving their poor gardener the devil. Half the members objected when the gardener turned the water sprinkler on and the other half objected when he turned it off. Furthermore, those who wanted him to turn it on objected to the way he did it and those who did not want him to turn it on objected to the way he did not do it.

All the while, the honest and faithful gardener (minister, reader, practitioner, student or janitor) went on enjoying the flowers until he or she was harassed into quitting, thence to run to that infinite Garden out along the edge of the woodland where no walls have ever been built and none will ever be seen tumbling down.

The Garden is the very consciousness that reads these words. Who or what can hold it in bondage?



Reader, you have seen many marital difficulties solved as you stopped pointing the finger of guilt to the other half "out there" and began to see that one as an aspect of the Self you are. Now, watch the happy wonders that will happen in your marriage as you stop thinking of yourself as a member of the marriage institution! To believe that is to yield yourself a servant who can be smothered by it. The Awareness that includes the organization has the dominion, not the organization. You are not a member of the marriage institution even though it may appear so. That institution is your member, an aspect of yourSelf. This is to see that the institution of human marriage does not have the authority to make us either happy or miserable, whether part of our experience or not! 
Now, be cautious lest you let the intellect look on this as a threat to itself, under the guise of a threat to "home, family and marriage." The dominion of Allness is not a threat to itself, nor to anything that is real—and there is nothing real but Allness.


We do not belong to an organization no matter how many of them include our names on their roster of members. Rather, the organization, institution, fraternity or whatever, "belongs" to us, included within and as the Consciousness we are. 

How can life belong to an idea it includes within itself? While the tangible point in time and space (called Bill or Mary) may "belong" to this or that organization for intellectual or social purposes (and there is nothing wrong with that!) that does not mean that identity-I has surrendered its heritage. Our slowly arrived-at knowledge of this fact is the start of the conscious recovery of our holy Birthright. In Truth, it has never really been surrendered except in the binding, blinding belief that there is a medical fraternity, a scientific or religious organization, a marriage institution, a business and financial institution, a human society or body organization to which we are subservient members and, therefore, supposed to bow down, salaam three times and do what "they" say or pay the consequences "they" dictate.

The dominion is ours. "And God gave man dominion ..." "Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are...?" The New English Bible puts it: "You know well enough that if you put yourself at the disposal of a master, to obey him, you are slaves..."

Now, does this mean that we are to do battle with the appearances of "principalities and powers" "out there"? Not at all. It means that we see the Power here as I, not there as that. And then act in accord, and then act in accord.

"What if the institution will not permit me to act in accord?" Then we are forced to live (in order to know) that the institution has no authority to prevent the Self-all-is from being the Self-all-is. This is what is going on in the world of appearances right now. The only institutions that will survive the growing turmoil are those that yield up their pseudo-authority to let ISNESS be the Authority. 

Now hear this: That yielding is not done out there with the appearance of the institution. It is done here as this awareness we are! Do you see this

Excerpt from "The Awareness of Self-Discovery"
-- By William Samuel

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Simple Heart Responds

Excerpt from "A Guide to Awareness and Tranquillity"
 by William Samuel


Vignettes of the Within


No matter what the appearance, there is perfection, tranquility, harmony and happiness wherever one is, wherever he goes, whatever he is doing or not doing. Perfection is no more present in one spot than another. Tranquility does not reside more in one place than another. One does not have to seek out the quiet places—mountain trails, meadows and mill ponds—to find the "peace that passeth understanding."

  While the world rushes to other places for recreation, we have a place right where we are—a secret refuge wherein we find the end of sorrow and tribulation, where there is rest from every effort. Where is this wondrous place? Within the Self-within-within. What is it called? The Heart, the Shekinah, the Holy of Holies, the Bridal Chamber, the Identity-I-am. Why has it taken us so long to find it? For walking to and fro in the land, looking for happiness out there; for going other places for better viewing.

  All the while, peace has been closer than breathing, closer than fingers and toes, here and now within us, not out there at all. All the while, Peace has been the Identity we are.



  Much has been written about the secret place within. Here is where one goes when something seems wrong in his affairs—because nothing ever appears wrong until this secret Identity has been forgotten, leaving us to wander in a dream world of pseudo-values. When something appears awry in our daily experience, we need only return to the within—to the rightful Identity—to experience perfect comfort and find peace. This Tranquility is our veritable Identity.


  Everything we could ever wish to know is, here and now, included within Identity. The pure Heart finds it. "Secrets" are confirmed in no other place.

  Hasn't this always been the case? Even the student who is learning the multiplication tables only seems to be going outside to books and teachers. When the tables are learned, it is an inside job, a very personal and intimate action within. When this happens, the Heart knows and says, "Now I understand."



  The secrets of Life, Reality, Truth and Love—the pearls of great price—are not bits of information that can be passed from one to another. Secrets come from the inside out, never from the outside in. Their meanings are never confirmed outside the immaculate confines of the Heart. No matter how well one defines a secret and paints a picture of it in striking words, the actual import—the honest meaning—comes from the Self alone. A secret for one is gibberish to another until a pure and simple Heart responds to declare, "It is true! It is so! Now I understand! Now I know!"



  Books, leaders, teachers and all else are objects of perception within conscious Awareness. There is not one particle of value, power or importance in them. The value is always the Single Selfhood, the Heart, doing the seeing and listening.
  The value is the Isness being the Awareness that includes them.

QUESTION: Does this mean we are not to enjoy the books of others or that we cannot be inspired by personal visits to those who steadfastly live their rightful Identity?

ANSWER: Not at all. It is wonderful to enjoy the conversation of one who has manifestly discovered the Self (the Heart says who is honest in this regard); yet, we come to see and understand that those we call "enlightened" are not outside this single Awareness-being-I; they are not another beside this very consciousness of Being the reader is!



  More often than not, the gems of the Heart are diametrically opposed to the world's proud common sense. Mankind argues loudly about matters it does not understand. Man is ruthless with whatever points out the nothingness of his personal ego. Those still satisfied with their misidentification as great judges of Life are not bubbling over at the prospect of losing their dearest possession, the intellect. Truth is the absolute destruction of all that goes to make up the personal belief and dream of a world filled with intelligent, mind possessing mortals. It marks the end of the old nature, "man with breath in his nostrils," the "old man" to be put off.

  The belief of a separate personality capable of possessing this Now-Awareness is exploded and ended in the Heart. Here in the Heart one finds Truth, the Eternal Flame, the all-consuming fire destined to overcome the world of fictitious separateness.

  First, mankind looked for Truth to come as something from out the sky in the future. Then, it was determined to be from within that it would be found, but the "within" was thought to be within a personal mind, contained and controlled by man. Man has been looking for Truth within his intellect, within his reasoning and calculating mind; but no Wisdom, no Truth, no Reality will ever come from the thinking, reasoning, planning, evaluating, judging, opinion-holding intellect. It comes forth from the Self-Identity.


  How close is the Christ-Truth? Can anything be closer than the Self you are? "The place whereon thou standest is Holy Ground!" Right now! Already! Now is all we are faced with!

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -