William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

About Love - A Personal Letter

"Autumn Afternoon"  by Sandy Jones 

A Personal Letter about Love 
From William Samuel  to Sandy Jones  - 
Written 1986

This letter, along with many other personal letters sent to me from William Samuel, can be found in my book "Barefoot at Heart-The Alchemy of Love and the Power of Light" - I joyfully share it here with all of you. It's quite special and brimming with liberating brilliance. Certainly written to the heart of each and all of us.   -   Sandy Jones 

Dear Sandy, 

There are many new things to write, Sandy. They all have to do with life and love, enthusiasm and childlikeness. They have to do with simplicity and tenderness, gentleness and the fact of Already.  The new words have nothing to do with problems, or paradoxes, intellectualism or personality. 

Furthermore, they are difficult to write, they are difficult to say, because the old nature of us misconstrues, distorts and attempts to turn them into something ugly. So, I hesitate. 

The day is coming when these things will be listened to without so much askance  and without such violent reaction. The fact is Reality is real, Reality is perfect, Reality is all. Transcendent Reality being all there is to the consciousness presently reading these words.

One may say that at this moment consciousness seems to be filled with problems. But the believing that this is so merely gives authority to the seeming. We do not deny the seeming, we leave it, we let it alone and the power goes out of it.   If the bird appears to eat a cricket, so what? Isness still Is, Perfection is still Perfect, All is still All, this Identity being us is still God’s Self Identification and nothing we say or believe, or do not say, or fail to understand, can alter this Fact one iota.  

Strange as it may seem, there is a violent reaction within us when we finally get down to Reality Itself.  You see, the old nature struggles vehemently to maintain its position. For most of us it requires a good stiff kick to alter our old opinions. But new light comes from the altered view, never from the old position.

Sandy, you are a monumental and perfect you. Because perfection Itself is being all you are.  There are many wonders in store for you and yours, as you go about the happy business of just being.

Now, you are an artist, and you will know the wisdom of running off with uninhibited, unbound feeling you see as Love. Now, it is tempered by the intellect, but Love is the leader. Hidden at the center of this feeling and barely noticed, is a sense of peace, tranquillity, serenity, a very gentle joy. It is the absence of elation the absence of discomfort. Oh but it is the transcendent presence of that which is being all sensation, all feeling.  Now when you find this center, you will be delighted, for you will know that you have found another aspect of the Infinite Identity you are.

This is the happiness that nothing can take from us.  This is the Peace that does not ebb and flow between serenity and sadness.

When next you ride up the valley where your special place is, rest for a time under one of your oaks, sit loose and feel whatever comes to be felt.  Listen, listen to the heart and you will hear it and you will be refreshed.  

Who ever you think of at that time, think of love and feel the love you feel for that love is real and it is unbound and understands all things.  God the Simple Truth is Love. 

Love is not fickle, love does not blow warm one day and cold the next, love is consistently Its Self.  Love, love looks and Lives.   Love understands because love is understanding, love doesn’t condemn itself or anyone else.   Love is not guilty, love is not restrictive, it’s not bound, it’s not confined or contained, love is not beholden to any institution.  All institutions exist by virtue of the fact that love Is, if indeed they exist at all. Love is not bound by the institution of marriage at all.  Its silly for any of us, whether we appear to be in that institution or out of it, or a part of it or not a part of it, it is silly to believe  that that institution is capable of providing us happiness or depriving us of happiness  -- It simply can’t do it, not really, not when we see that Love, this Identity I am has the dominion.

Love, there is only one Love, Love is love, it has no opposite.  All Love is love, human love, personal love, sexual love, are all an aspect of infinite love which cannot be bound, cannot be circumscribed, cannot be confined, love, just simple love, whether we spell it with a capital letter or not, we mean the same Love, the very same Love, the very nature of being, the one that God is -- the God that is Love, the Love that is Identity, here as I, as all. 

Singleness reveals the gentle Simplicity of singleness, the mysteries answered.

I know what leads you, Sandy, and I trust you, you are important to us all. Love, Bill  

William Samuel  (1986)

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Music and Self Discovery

by William Samuel 

Music, Metaphor and Magic  

The beauty of this Self discovery is that we find ourself back in the world, renewed and full of youthful exuberance and joy. From A Guide to Awareness and Tranquillity, William Samuel explains this and more: 

The musician begins with the principle of music, not the discord. The mathematician begins with the principle of his science, not the error. WE BEGIN AS THE IMMACULATE, PRISTINE, PURE AND PERFECT IDENTITY WE ARE ALREADY, not the personal sense of things, not the world’s ideas, opinions and judgement of things. We ‘begin’ with God, the ALL that Isness is, and rejoice at the wonders this ever new view reveals. We LET that Mind be us which IS the awareness of the Truth we are. 

Awareness is the common denominator which includes ALL. 

Nor is Awareness separate from the images within it, any more than the television screen is separate from the cowboys and commercials there. Therefore, we can see that our identification as awareness ITSELF is not a withdrawal from the world, from people or from the adventure of living. It is a withdrawal from our own valued opinions, notions and prejudices of them. 

To the contrary, this work appears as revitalized interest in everything that appears as conscious identity (Awareness) – and that is everything! As we live childlike-awareness-being-effortlessly-aware, we find our daily experience expanding into undreamed of new action – plus the strength and means necessary for that action. Music comes from the principle of music. Music has an unseen fact behind it. That makes music a lot like God.

Music, like God is a principle that can never be diminished. No matter how many songs are played the principle never runs out. God is the never ending Principle. Like music. I can make as much music as I like, write as many songs as I like, play as many tunes as I want and there is always more.

If the sheet of music is torn up the source, the principle is still perfectly whole. 

The music exists because there is an unseen, untouchable, illimitable principle behind the music. Music is beyond the chords and beyond the notes and beyond the instruments used to play the tune. But the music I hear is the tangible evidence of something I cannot see and something that is an absolute fact.

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Textbook Thinking

Excerpt from


The way of non-contention with the world was given to me. It doesn't struggle to reform things. Enlightened non-judgmentalism permits one to see the good in the world, perfect as it already is.

But there is something inside that shouts for me to shout. The rebellious boy-cadet—the soldier—would have me beat the drum. But at WHAT?
The Heart knows, yet it isn't likely that a drum roll thundered by Jeremiah himself would be heard by my deaf self-hood—that part of me that worships people and their books. So, to what shall I shout?

To the narrowness of textbook thinking. Yes, yes. I rail about the narrowness of textbook thinking. Mind you, this is not to have the textbooks rewritten nor to have their organizations reformed. It is a plea that my “others” (not outside myself) stop limiting themselves to the boundaries of books—even the holy books, even to this group's or that group's interpretation of the Bible. Oh, books are wonderful and the world is blessed to have them. I ask those who study with me to begin a journal at once—and many of those journals have become more books and papers that circumnavigate the world. Oh no, it isn't books I rail at, but our disposition to give them values they do not have of themselves. 

I would roll my drum only to call attention to certain tendencies of the unenlightened nature of us. Our revered scriptures and textbooks already do that, but to little avail! Chief among those tendencies is that deadening inclination to establish the words of our treasured books as immutable, eternal law—especially a law to those areas of the heart that we haven't fully understood yet and wherein we still need an honest guide. Mind you, there is nothing wrong with this tendency to put faith in books! We had better believe the automobile manual until we are familiar with the machine. But that manual isn't immutable law for all eternity. There comes a day when we drive another automobile. There comes a day when we fly a spaceship. To hold tenaciously to original words as though they were eternally sacrosanct, is to be doomed. How so? That action forces us to return to the same ignorance from which those very words assisted our escape. This is what I'm inclined to shout about. 

Are the words of the Bible holy? Or, is it the Lord God and His Principle which are more holy than the human words that tell of them? We know the answer to that without thinking. Then, why the great veneration of sacred texts? Again, we know the answer. “But now they are drunk,” said Jesus. “When they have shaken off their wine, then...”

There is a definite and essential ongoingness within the bedrock stability of spiritual Essence. Movement within non-movement; wheels within wheels, so to speak. There is no way for the human community to view the dynamism of Spirit, of Essence, of Godhead as immobile and stagnant. But the nature of the old ego man is to hang onto comfortable beliefs and familiar traditions. Spirit reveals Itself as eternal newness. The textbooks sometimes speak to that newness, but “textbook thinking” precludes the living of newness because there are no specifics of that newness written about in the textbook. Textbook thinking leads to stagnation, as one can plainly see from the many closed societies of churchdom, all in argumentative disagreement with others over their interpretations of the Bible or Whatever. 

Religious metaphysics is a clear case in point. It entered the scene asking mankind to look to a new Idea “whose time had come.” People did. That old/new Idea of subjectivism was off and running. Since those days, the world pace has quickened. In its one hundred years, that new Idea—a restatement of subjectivism in an objective world—has seen more confirming movement on earth than in all the eons preceding. The transcendentalist's push at the door of understanding was surely responsible for much of that movement. Now, that Idea's organizations themselves stand with blinders on and ears closed to the very ongoing spiritual revolution they helped spawn. Present era metaphysicians are afraid to examine the fruits of their own once fertile field—their own progeny. Why? No one wants to be cast as “disloyal.” “They left the field.” “They have not given due credit to So and So” who gave no credit to her sources other than the Bible. And it all happened exactly the same way before when Christian churchdom broke away from the objectivism of Judaism.

In a human way this is sad to see. But, in retrospect I see how absolutely right it all is. From the present calcification of religion worldwide, is soon to come the final blossom for which the Tree of Life was intended. That flower will be the rediscovery of the Child within. A new Community is being readied.

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Excerpt from
by William Samuel 

Everything pertaining to the Mystery has to do with looking for good everywhere. The ability to do this is all so very simple and childlike that the old nature of us doesn't want to believe it is even possible. What a wonderful Mystery it is—hidden all these years in simplicity and clothed with childlikeness.
The child looks out to the world for its instruction. The adult turns within and struggles there until, when the Child is found, he looks outward again in new and constant anticipation of GOOD.
It is a strange demand, the intellect insists, to look for good when there is so little good to be seen anywhere. “The world is about to explode. Civilization teeters on the brink of annihilation. Where is good in any of this? I look about and see horror, not good. Look at the news papers and the news casts on television. Is there any good there?”
There is that wonderful statement of Jesus found in The Gospel According To Thomas where he speaks to the ANTICIPATION of good. “The angels and the prophets will come to you and they will give you what is yours.” At first thought, the metaphysician or theologian might argue that the anticipation of good is to deny its presence right before our eyes. It is just the opposite of such denial. It is to look at everything and search for the grand good there.
That good is sometimes obvious. We see it quickly in the long-lost gold ring lying in the garden. It isn't as easy to see it in the gray stone we've just bumped our foot on. The pitfalls and stumbling blocks—the angry politicians, the shouting demonstrators and terrorists—occlude the perception of good there. Or so it seems at first—until we make the breakthrough. After a time of looking for good in the world, we begin to see it everywhere, everywhere. Good comes to confirm itself for those who look for it and seek the wisdom in God's creation roundabout.
Haven't we been proclaiming all these years that God/good is everywhere? And hasn't the mystic been whispering that God is all? All means what it says. If God is all and God is good, there is good in everything—and there is, there is! Make me prove it. I have very nearly found it in everything.

This experience “I” am living has grown into something quite beyond words. No hyperbole here. Exactly the way it is. Simply an explosion of inner Joy and a continuing confirmation of that Joy beyond anything I had ever known except for the briefest moments. Oh, how to say this? And why? I answer the “why” quickly: I write as a marker for my “others” who dream of such joy. It is true! It happens! It isn't just a “dream of desire along the way.” I do not know how lasting in the world's time it will seem to be, but “my” life has been made full.
The other evening at a lovely lady's house one of the guests spoke of going to a concert and suddenly getting caught up in a glorious tingling thrill of joy and delight. Her eyes sparkled as she told of it. Everyone could see her tears of reminiscence and knew what a genuine joy she spoke of. Then she fell silent, her eyes closed, and I heard myself saying, “That's it! That is the joy of the experience everyone calls enlightenment.” Some speak of it as illumination—sparks from the Child within. First we recognize those fleeting moments and acknowledge them for being the Light of Life they are. In so acknowledging them, we are faithful to the pennies of such moments and eventually find ourselves trusted with the dollars of them. Greater moments come. And greater. We look around one day to find we are living in the continual confirmation of the Joy we have faithfully anticipated.
These words are true and faithful. They tell of a great Joy beyond words. What must surely be one of the wonders of wonders: I have not seen a person who cannot prove the honesty of these concepts for himself and begin to live a New Life and a new marvelous experience.
“The joy of that moment at the concert will expand and expand,” I told the lady, “so that the 'thrill' continues.”
“I don't know if I could stand that!” she said.

We are the children of God, so joy is our heritage! Why should we deprive ourselves of the Inheritance by thinking one must perish in the flesh before God's Kingdom becomes God's Kingdom? “And God saw everything he had made and, behold, it was very good”! That good is right here, right now—even as I struggle to write about it. Good is ours for the anticipation! But that's not the end of the matter; the anticipation and receipt of Truth is only half the joy. There is much to be done with that Truth once we've received it. That is the subject we'll be into soon.

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -