William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Music and Self Discovery

by William Samuel 

Music, Metaphor and Magic  

The beauty of this Self discovery is that we find ourself back in the world, renewed and full of youthful exuberance and joy. From A Guide to Awareness and Tranquillity, William Samuel explains this and more: 

The musician begins with the principle of music, not the discord. The mathematician begins with the principle of his science, not the error. WE BEGIN AS THE IMMACULATE, PRISTINE, PURE AND PERFECT IDENTITY WE ARE ALREADY, not the personal sense of things, not the world’s ideas, opinions and judgement of things. We ‘begin’ with God, the ALL that Isness is, and rejoice at the wonders this ever new view reveals. We LET that Mind be us which IS the awareness of the Truth we are. 

Awareness is the common denominator which includes ALL. 

Nor is Awareness separate from the images within it, any more than the television screen is separate from the cowboys and commercials there. Therefore, we can see that our identification as awareness ITSELF is not a withdrawal from the world, from people or from the adventure of living. It is a withdrawal from our own valued opinions, notions and prejudices of them. 

To the contrary, this work appears as revitalized interest in everything that appears as conscious identity (Awareness) – and that is everything! As we live childlike-awareness-being-effortlessly-aware, we find our daily experience expanding into undreamed of new action – plus the strength and means necessary for that action. Music comes from the principle of music. Music has an unseen fact behind it. That makes music a lot like God.

Music, like God is a principle that can never be diminished. No matter how many songs are played the principle never runs out. God is the never ending Principle. Like music. I can make as much music as I like, write as many songs as I like, play as many tunes as I want and there is always more.

If the sheet of music is torn up the source, the principle is still perfectly whole. 

The music exists because there is an unseen, untouchable, illimitable principle behind the music. Music is beyond the chords and beyond the notes and beyond the instruments used to play the tune. But the music I hear is the tangible evidence of something I cannot see and something that is an absolute fact.

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -