Artwork "Floral Swirled" by Sandy Jones
Excerpt from
The Awareness of Self-Discovery
by William Samuel
I would tell those who have found the Child within, that pure pristine, holy Child you are, to maintain your simple credulousness and sensitivity by living your Child likeness and Simplicity. Hold this grand awareness close to the Heart because, in Truth, it is the Heart. Love this love you have found yourself to be. See it in everyone and everything, because the everyone and everything are but mirrored images of your Self. Do not worry about Identity being raw and sensitive in the face of the world. Its defenselessness is its strength. Who would harm a child? Those who have the courage to remain the newly revealed Child find that this is so.
And to be the child does not mean forsaking a job or an organization necessarily, because the Child's view of those activities is sharp and perceptive. The Child we are cannot be fooled. We see and enjoy the real, leaving the rest alone.
Ego shed is Identity discovered.
And this is so!
When one plays the piano, the point of interface between the player and the sounded music is exactly where his fingers touch the keys. The surface of the keys is the place where the inner music of the soul becomes the outer melody in the living room or concert hall. There is no space between the fingers and the keys, just as there is no space between the Child-of-us and our fingers as we write. The Child-Soul of us is where the melody is first heard.
If one is a composer, the point of interface between the melody heard within and the melody the world hears “without,” is also at the tips of the composer's fingers—as he plays and as he writes those notes onto a piece of paper.
So, the INTERFACE is WHERE the “inside becomes outside” and where, as we listen, the outside becomes inside. In the Thomas book, we hear Jesus say, “When you make the two one, and when you make the inner as the outer and the outer as the inner...then shall you enter the Kingdom.”
When one writes a letter or a book, the point of INTERFACE between the reader and writer is the tip of the writer's fingers and his heart, and the eyes that read and the reader's heart. There is no real space between the eyes, the Heart and the tips of the fingers. When the writer gets the fingers to state the Child-heart's feeling, the interface is completed, heart to heart.
As I sit here writing these words at Woodsong's study desk piled high with books, papers and letters, the point of interface between the Child-Heart-I-am and the entire world of time's tangibility is the keyboard of the good Rabbi Moses Goldberg—the typewriter. The Child-Heart of me touches God on the one side, the word of time on the other. Reading these words, the reader goes straight to the writer's Heart—and to his own, simultaneously. As you will see very plainly in the days ahead, there is only one HEART, one child, one God. It is the same for all of us.
It is inevitable that there will appear to be the dissolution of all that stands between ourselves and a full knowledge of the Truth. Inasmuch as the world appears to reside within the awareness-we-are, the dissolution that began within appears outwardly as the world's search for freedom and the upheaval it brings. Our inner turmoil never ends until we reckon Identity as already arrived and then end our attempt to lift an incorrect self-concept up to the real.
If we are to see the world scene disclose the underlying, overlying Harmony "that is even now spread over the whole face of the land," we must make this re-identification in fact and end the nonsense of acting out from the position of a sponge trying to soak up wisdom. To do what? To steadfastly reckon Self from the standpoint of Perfection. No other view will bring Peace so quickly to the human scene.
The "final days" (and this is all that is significantly meant by those ominous words) is the arrival of the world's final enlightenment. These days are in progress already. The light is dawning because it is already here. New ideas are coming into focus and old landmarks are passing away. Cherished notions, some of them the very pillars of society, are being shaken to the roots. We are finding most of them built on foundations of sand. Many institutions charged with the revelation of God, Truth, Reality, are found not to be giving freedom to their charges but withholding it; not dispensing Light, but darkness; not unbinding men, but shackling them; not seeking out the new Rays of Light and investigating them impartially, but, for conscious or unconscious reasons of self-preservation, doing everything in their power to keep new Light from being seen—for fear, say they, their present Light will be adulterated. As if the Truth need protecting!
Oh, but let it be understood, these very institutions are a blessing and they are serving a most necessary purpose. How would we know that Identity is Omniscience itself without first attempting to place that omniscience "out there" in a bible or institution or philosophy? How would we learn beyond all doubt that Light itself is being our Identity without first living the futility and impossibility of a weary traveler trying to reach the Light?
So now, to make this statement from still another direction: We come to see the Light which reveals that we are the Light. I have found that acting this Identity "on faith" first helped disclose the Light-I-am that removes every doubt. and this Light of Self-discovery blooms in illumination and insight—fragile, fragrant, a flowery display of beauty and love divine. Sparks! Enthusiasm! Zest! Strength and youth flooding back! The bloom of Light divine—the simple Love that is Identity, revealed.
A Guide To Awareness and Tranquillity by William Samuel
If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery - you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones -- - Ojai, California -
Read more by William Samuel books available on Amazon
The Awareness of Self-Discovery by William Samuel
A Guide To Awareness and Tranquillity by William Samuel
Barefoot at Heart-The Alchemy of Love and the Power of Light by Sandy Jones