William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Monday, September 16, 2019

Words About the Child

There ia a delightful love song, an old song by the Bee Gees, that says "Words, words are all I have to take your heart away" -   

 Jesus said, "Blessed are those who are solitary and elect, for you will find the kingdom; for since you came from it you shall return to it."

The Child is our Original pristine Selfhood. We came from It, and we will return to It. But we can rediscover It while we are here in this world. The original Self our Soul, the pristine Child, to live as the solitary and elect. This is the holy Light that dwells within us and everywhere at once.  

When we find this holy Child, we find we never feel lonely. Quite the opposite, when we find the Child, we find ourself feeling the sweet bliss of wholeness. We find we are engaged with all kinds of wonderful people, places and things. We are touching this deep and abiding peace that includes all our loved ones, everyone of them, no matter where they are. We know clearly that Love is not altered by death, time, space or material changes.       

We are the solitary, sovereign and only, living the Presence of This All Inclusive Light of Life. This Unseen, Illimitable Light is All that ever was and will be.  We cannot be ‘outside’ of this Living Light of our Self. We are this Light of Awareness and It includes All That Is and all those we love.

We include the past and the future, all here, right now, we include all time and space and we include even other life times and all those whom we have loved and treasured in this life and in others.

The Beauty and Wonder of this Truth is that Reality gives us a fearless freedom to love and embrace all that is, whatever it is.    

 Life is filled with adventure and an outpouring of abundance of Love, unfolding it's magic and beauty every day in all ways. Our Heart is tender, open, alive, watching as the sweet surprises as the ongoing wonders lead the way.   


To help you find your own True Selfhood and Balance r
ead “The Child Within Us Lives!” by William Samuel. This book is for those seeking to Live their own Wholeness with fearless authority in freedom and joy of genuine Self Realization.  

Read “The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics”  By William Samuel   available on Amazon 

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery - you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones  -- samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

A Special Letter

Excerpt from 

There are three difficult stages for our breakout into Light:

1. It is difficult to recognize that the Child within is the same Child we were when we were child-children. That is, it seems unbelievable that the way we saw things as a six- or seven-year-old is the way we are actually capable of seeing things again, here and now, no matter what our human age or that now we can go still further and see the infinite Original of Ourself! A necessary-for-a-time veil hangs before the eyes and the heart, which precludes the easy ability to think of the Child as anything but a fantasy, a dream of Pollyanna.

2. Equally slow and difficult is the understanding that the Child within us is the actual Christ Light of us. They are the same One and they are WE, I, Us, Identity.

3. The third area of personal difficulty comes in our moving from theory and mental speculation about the Child, to action here in the world. Understandable mountains of human intransigence and disbelief stand between our recognition within and the world outside. It is only line upon line that our actions in the world are recognized in the world. Then, one by one those around us begin to see the Child of us, and the Child of themselves. Bit by bit, here a little, there a little, our credibility grows, the wonders are seen and recognized. Finally, our entire subjective world (internal and external) responds!

Without the child, first and foremost, the subjective view is nothing more than a personal attempt to manipulate the scene to one's advantage: without the Child, the equation can't be fully comprehended; without the Child, one is dead. Without the Child and the Child's Equation, science flounders, without direction.

Excerpt from 

By William Samuel
If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery - you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones  -- samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

The Little Joys

Excerpt from William Samuel's unpublished private journals

The Little Joys

   What I have said about savoring the little joy and being faithful to the little illumination is truly a diamond beyond, to me, over the years, this is more valuable, more gold than Fort Knox and in South Africa and in these hills of California as yet unfound...more valuable. 

Let me say it again if I can, approaching it from the other direction. For years, I looked for illumination. I read all the fanciful books about what illumination is supposed to be, some great, dynamic, grandiose explosion, a popping explosion that would allow one to see the world in new light. 

Oh, at one point in my affairs I had one but it was long after this and I could see that the long long look for the big explosion was all that precluded my awareness of the little ones going on continually all over the place. And incidentally, the adversity of metaphysics, the inside is the outside, so the little is really the big and the big is the infinitesimal, the great grandiose is not so marvelous as the beauty right here, right here, the little joys. 

Give me the little ones, give me the small swirl of blossoms blowing in the wind, or light shining from a short leafed beetle pine as it glistens or the light through the wings of one of your monarch butterflies, or the lovely smile of someone who smiles in friendship, or someone touching our shoulder to say thank you. Those are the little ones, they are the big ones and all that you have to do to see that this is true is, the next time something comes up that puts a lump in your throat and allows the anguish to subside for a minute, all you’ve got to do to see that it's true is to cherish it for a minute. Stop for a minute. Look at it and thank it and watch it grow...

I tell you, we come back home to simplicity, to a gentle childlike simplicity.   It is already spread over the whole face of the earth.   We come back home to a gentleness of God presence that doesn’t have to be consciously known, that doesn’t have to be articulated with a lot of words and doesn’t have to be lived in any special set way, no pattern of praying, no pattern of going to church, no pattern of meditating, it’s a simplicity infinitely more simple than that, it’s a listening, a listening, of being, a listening to the still small voice within, to the divine imprint within which is present right here, right now to this awareness that listens, that is present here as surely as it’s present to the little birdlings out there that are ricocheting around on this April day and making nests every year, intuitively making nests, instinctively doing it, listening to the divine imprint with no knowledge whatever of what the nest is for.   But ultimately, it will hold an egg.   The divine imprint is already here as the awareness we are.   The God imprint is all that’s real here and the Child is here right now doing nothing wrong, guilty as nothing, having made no mistakes.   And that Child is the awareness, the awareness that listens to these words, not the possessor of the awareness of these words, not the owner of awareness but the awareness itself that listens, the life that listens. 

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery - you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones  -- samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Sublime Perception

 The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics
William Samuel
Finally, there is the third level of awakening of which we are capable, every one of us, metaphysician and religionist alike: Rediscovery of Identity, the Child within. This is the sublime level of perception, and it doesn't take a metaphysical education (or any other kind) to get there. The Child within has been with us since our time began in tangible space. The inner Child has a perfectly balanced View from atop Da Shan and knows how to act subjectively in an objective world.
No, the Child within us doesn't throw away its metaphysics as the metaphysician has mistakenly thrown away “old theology.” The Child teaches us correctly about the ephemeral nature of matter and the allness of God. The Child doesn't insist that we leave our wonderful subjectivity (or objective world either), but shows us how to LIVE a perfect balance all the way to the end of the temporal span.
Nor does the Child throw out every old concept of religion, especially mankind's love of humanity. Rather, the Child of us comes to discover religion again, this time with a knowledge of what it is and what it was originally—and why it appears on the scene as a confusing melange of doctrines. The Child teaches us how to live subjectively in an objective world and in so doing, shows us that “It is a mountain again,” a tangible world that doesn't fool us and that we understand.

The Child within leads us to the Balance, and the Balance allows us to begin the dominion and “reign,” the heritage of those who understand. The Child takes us quickly to the top of the mountain right here in the world. The Child of us is the real of us. Reader, there is a way to find that Child, and this book is about that.

William Samuel "The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics"

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery - you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones  -- samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -