William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Child's Way


Celestial Song

From William Samuel's Unpublished Private Journal -   1982       

The Child's Way and the Holy Spirit are the same 

The Child’s Way is the Way of the Holy Sprit.

The Child’s Way is the Christ Light’s Way.

The experience of the Holy Spirit is the point at which one touches the Child’s path.  The experience of being “born again” (which one FEELS and KNOWS is unique and wonderful, unlike anything that has happened in his life before) is the birth of the subjective idea wherein one is becoming acquainted with the INTERNAL nature of Being and the Universe. 

The study of subjectivism is the external school of the Child, though I don’t know a single metaphysics in the world (except for original Christianity and Original Taoism) which knows of the significance of the Child within us.

Granted, theology certainly speaks of the Soul of Man and its importance, but somewhere the Soul’s identity as the Child of God--which is the Child one IS--was lost and is no longer taught. 

Perhaps the return of this idea constitutes what Jesus spoke of as the Comforter that comes following.   If so, these words come to hail the Comforter which comes to do all things. Whatever may be the case, there is no doubt in my mind that this work heralds the beginning of the blossoming of the Tree of Life, the final flowering, the Seed of which will be the Chosen, the plucked and taken away into another time and space.  There become the New Planting for the next Pulse of Light, somewhere else in Godhead. 

Those who perceive this Idea will become part of the new community of Correspondents whose efforts will become dramatically synergistic to their own amazement and take place ABOVE the battles that will rage full fledged around them.  These Children will take no sides. They will battle neither for the right nor the left,  neither for the right nor the wrong, nor even for the good against the evil, knowing a higher Good that transcends even as it encompasses all human concepts. They will be cognizant of the reasons for the worlds struggles, but as they live  in the world and until the seed corn is gathered by God Himself they will continue to Love God with all their hearts and minds and they will love all mankind as themselves, constantly acting in their behalf for Good. 

 Read more about The Child
you can purchase the book "The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics"  By William Samuel - Available on Amazon 

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Read more by William Samuel books available on Amazon 

The Awareness of Self-Discovery   by William Samuel 

A Guide To Awareness and Tranquillity   by William Samuel 

The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics 

by William Samuel 

  Two Plus Two Equals Reality-- by William Samuel 

Seminar With William Samuel, White, Georgia -- DVD

About William Samuel 

Literary Executor Sandy Jones 

Barefoot at Heart-The Alchemy of Love and the Power of Light   by Sandy Jones 



Butterfly Publishing House 


Celestial Song

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Child Is the Guide

"Joy Sings" by Sandy Jones 

The Child is the Guide 

Excerpt from "A Guide to Awareness and Tranquillity"

by William Samuel 

 Dear Laurel,

Yes, the Child is the Guide—ever available, closer than fingers and toes, our very Selfhood.
But all of us are humbled first. We are MADE to bow our arrogance and human dreams before Something Unseen. THEN, the Child comes alive, pulling us, pushing us, kicking us up the mountain, past every human mess, past all the old temptations, through the most amazing, intricate, narrow pathway which is one Child wide. You are on your way Laurel! The Christ Child of your very Selfhood will NEVER leave you nor forsake you—and it is a Mystery of Mysteries.
There is Something Marvelous, and it all has to do with our WILLINGNESS to surrender the me-sense to God—and to accept SELF as subservient to Godhead.
I know why this perception comes so slowly to metaphysicians—and with such reluctant surprise: Because of the built-in metaphysical insistence that we, as the “real Identity,” ARE God. Not so, not so, simply not so. We would like for that to be so, and we rationalize that it is in the name of GOD AS ALL IN ALL. But exactly as the Carpenter said time and again, only God is God, and we are the Children of God. “My Father is greater than I.” Yet, “My Father and I are one.”
The Child is pure and perfect without sore knees or high blood pressure without a tribulation without a battle with age/time/space/world that It doesn't UNDERSTAND as GOOD going on—and then see confirmation of that good.
Ever since the “beginning,” the human problem has wavered between the same two ridiculous extremes: The attempt to be a separate self hood apart from God and the attempt to BE God. Both end in the prolongation of the Discipline, the world not understood.
“Lest ye become as children,” said the One who had it straight. It is hidden from the wise but revealed to the simple and childlike.
Laurel, along the way I found the Absolute which called God ALL. Then I worked very hard to make God all. Then I tried ever harder to make Bill God. Then, brought to my knees, I found how NOTHING in ITSELF Bill (and Bill's world) is—but how marvelous LIFE is. Then I learned that Life, Awareness, belongs to God—and that Awareness, Life ITSELF, is the CHILD, the Image of God! With the Child's help, I somehow managed to let go the me-sense who was trying so hard to understand God, and found myself already living as the Child of God, holding God's hand every step of the rugged discipline's way. Suddenly—or precept upon precept, here a little, there a little—the “world” was revealed for what the world IS—and I consciously became less Bill and more Child.
The absolute position of metaphysics is a step along the way—our most arrogant time. But the demand has ever been, to learn LIFE'S lessons and let go the imposter who believes he OWNS Life and its bodies. That word “surrender” is in all the holy books of the world, and it is an accurate word in my own experience which is all I can really tell about.
Yes, as you said, we can let our human arrogance go, our pride of accomplishment, our human attainments, even the pride in our lessons learned, and do it ON THIS SIDE OF “THE GRAVE” if we really want to. But it takes the doing. In actual fact. More than profession. It takes a real “turn around” and return to the Child Heart within us—“in dust and ashes” humility. You've DONE that, my gentle Laurel, LOVE takes in a Stranger. The Stranger is the very Child of God we are.
In the tangible sense of limit/world/measure/time and space, we (as a measuring mortal) are all brought to zero in this world or the next.
The surrender is traumatic but it is worth it!
Upon the surrender to the Ineffable Unknowable Beyond time and space, we are shown a marvel of marvels and given a subjective world to reign over.
Every word of this is TRUE, as you are slowly and PERFECTLY learning, Laurel. You've learned it just as I did. We loose and unbind our world, DOING for it as we can. That doing is essential.
You will have the strength, the means and the ability to do what you are intended to do here in the linear world of time's unfolding. But we're brought to bow before God first—most of us in our extremity, and most of us unwillingly. This is true especially for those who have heard a different drummer and and have hewn their own pathway in the world. Even that is as nothing before God. But, becoming “nothing before God” becomes ALL POWER in the new world. You will see. It is amazing and wonderful.

Excerpt from "The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics" by William Samuel

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Read more by William Samuel books available on Amazon 

The Awareness of Self-Discovery   by William Samuel 

A Guide To Awareness and Tranquillity   by William Samuel 

The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics 

by William Samuel 

  Two Plus Two Equals Reality-- by William Samuel 

Seminar With William Samuel, White, Georgia -- DVD

About William Samuel 

Literary Executor Sandy Jones 

Barefoot at Heart-The Alchemy of Love and the Power of Light   by Sandy Jones 



Butterfly Publishing House 


Celestial Song

Self And Experience

"Owl Creek Road" by Sandy Jones 

Excerpt from 

A Guide To Awareness and Tranquillity   

by William Samuel 


Since we do not have experiences, and experience is being who and what we are, experience is the action of Isness being Self-aware. Our daily experience is greater than could ever be imagined by the one who judges. It is above all comparison . . . no matter how it seems!

QUESTI0N: How is this applicable in a practical way?

ANSWER: I can only tell you to go about your daily affairs actually mindful that perfect Experience is the very Identity you are. Then just watch how practical it is!

Even by ordinary standards, Identity is established quite beyond the power of anything to disrupt. The force of an atomic blast can do nothing to Identity.

Tranquility is Tranquility. Love is what Love is. Spirit is Spirit and nothing inserts itself to make it something else. Perfect "Experience" is what it is—perfect experience. It includes all that is called "the power of the atom," yet there is no force within it harmful to itself.

Experience is my Identity. Identity, like a name, is untouched by tribulation!

We equate Self and Experience as one Harmony!


QUESTION: What do we see?

ANSWER: What Awareness "sees" is our own heart-felt Self-Identification. If one has been looking on a personal poverty, misery and fear, he is assuredly mistaking his Identity and viewing the evidence of that mis-identification.

Inevitably, the mis-identifier's view of a Perfection considered outside himself must appear to him as a universe "out there," as a world divided into two camps and those camps subdivided at every point to their mutual distrust and ultimate neutralization, as a good versus evil, white-black, hot-cold, materialistic-idealistic orgy of opposing judgments, ending only with the "new birth"—re-identification—and with the end of personal judgment such re-identification brings.



Experience appears as however I view my own Identity. Considering myself limited, frustrated, bound-to-a-body man (manifestation), I appear to myself as I believe I am. Contrariwise, knowing Identity to be that which is being the universe and all in it, I must commence to view Now (and all that appears as the "things-experience" within Awareness) as the actual-I that I am, as the Holy Perfection of the One perfect Being. I see every petal of every flower, every twig, every leaf, every rock, every mountain, every star and galaxy that thunders through the heavens and constitutes the universe, as one of the infinite qualities and attributes of my perfect Father, the ineffable Godhead itself; Single Identity perceiving Itself and being "I."


If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Read more by William Samuel books available on Amazon 

The Awareness of Self-Discovery   by William Samuel 

A Guide To Awareness and Tranquillity   by William Samuel 

The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics 

by William Samuel 

  Two Plus Two Equals Reality-- by William Samuel 

Seminar With William Samuel, White, Georgia -- DVD

About William Samuel 

Literary Executor Sandy Jones 

Barefoot at Heart-The Alchemy of Love and the Power of Light   by Sandy Jones 



Butterfly Publishing House 


Celestial Song


Sunday, October 4, 2020

A New Community


Pomegranate Tree - Ojai, California 

Excerpt from The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics

by William Samuel 


Now it is, in these late days in the ongoingness of mortal life, that the attention of the one who survives will be turned to the Child within himself. He will be comforted and profited in his worldly affairs, and in his heart he will grow wealthy. As this Child-consciousness grows in the world and as these renewing people communicate with one another around the earth, writing and telling their own glimpses and glimmers of the Child's joy—no longer reciting the words of others as proof of their own wisdom—there will be a remarkable synergistic assembly of feeling within humanity beyond the grandest hope of anyone. Out of this unexpected synergism of Light, like a plant sending up a tall stem with a great flower on it, so the world will send up a newness of Child-people, blooming as a flower of Renewed Life—just like a fall flower finally coming to bloom in the late days before the frost. After nearly eleven thousand years of human time, God's Tree of Life is coming into bloom. There will be a special Joy beyond joy felt by those who are part of this Flower of Life, the offspring of Godhead, seed from the Original Seed.

         But listen, listen. It is the Tree that blooms, not we ourselves. Those who are led by the Child become the Living Blossom of Life here on earth—a new brotherhood, a new Community without leaders or temples, subservient to naught but the Child and its Source. This flower may be shaken by the laughter, envy and scorn of the incredulous, and assaulted by pseudo-authorities whose power appears to be threatened. But the Child is a threat to no one. Before us lies a brief and severe time when the flower is shaken by the wind and the petals seem to be scattered again and when those who are not holding fast to the inner Child's hand will wonder who the real prophets are. But from the Flower will come the Seed that will be taken up for the reseeding and ongoingness of tangible life. The tree will perish, but the seed will live. 

How do I know this is so? Because it has been shown to me by the Child I am—and I see confirmation of the Divine Process and Its Equation in all nature. All one must do to know these things are happening already, is to look and see that they are happening. Line upon line now, but soon precept upon precept, more than a little here and a little there, the New Community already begins to flower and be seen by Everyman, first fruits of the Tree of Life—from out of which comes the Seed eternal. 

All tangibility, all Da Shan and the life teeming on its slopes, is the subjectivity of God, not man. The Life that reads these words is the Awareness of God, not man. The synergism we feel in the community of our families and most meaningful groups is only a fraction of the Divine Energy and Light of Godhead's Life soon to be felt by those who summon forth the Child within and dare to become that Child. The downward human spiral of energy that culminates in selfness and the reproduction of human life will turn around to spiral upward and out, bringing with it the incomparable Energy of Life in its wholeness, joined with the Groom—and this joy is yet to be experienced by men and women. It is reserved for the final flowering of Life. It begins with the Child within. We get busy and find It. We live the Equation, giving and receiving, receiving and giving to all mankind. We write and tell of the Child's Glimpses because we are ourselves the only ones who can tell our own Glimpses of Light—they come to us immaculately and individually and to no one else. We are charged to give them to our others. The Glimpse contains the pollen of Life and we give it freely. We accept it an pass it along. We live God's Equation with joy. 

As it might be said in the East, the night of Brahman falls as soon as the harvest of the Seed is accomplished. The Morning of the New Day comes quickly.

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -