Celestial Song
From William Samuel's Unpublished Private Journal - 1982
The Child's Way and the Holy Spirit are the same
The Child’s Way is the Way of the Holy Sprit.
The Child’s Way is the Christ Light’s Way.
The experience of the Holy Spirit is the point at which one touches the Child’s path. The experience of being “born again” (which one FEELS and KNOWS is unique and wonderful, unlike anything that has happened in his life before) is the birth of the subjective idea wherein one is becoming acquainted with the INTERNAL nature of Being and the Universe.
The study of subjectivism is the external school of the Child, though I don’t know a single metaphysics in the world (except for original Christianity and Original Taoism) which knows of the significance of the Child within us.
Granted, theology certainly speaks of the Soul of Man and its importance, but somewhere the Soul’s identity as the Child of God--which is the Child one IS--was lost and is no longer taught.
Perhaps the return of this idea constitutes what Jesus spoke of as the Comforter that comes following. If so, these words come to hail the Comforter which comes to do all things. Whatever may be the case, there is no doubt in my mind that this work heralds the beginning of the blossoming of the Tree of Life, the final flowering, the Seed of which will be the Chosen, the plucked and taken away into another time and space. There become the New Planting for the next Pulse of Light, somewhere else in Godhead.
Those who perceive this Idea will become part of the new community of Correspondents whose efforts will become dramatically synergistic to their own amazement and take place ABOVE the battles that will rage full fledged around them. These Children will take no sides. They will battle neither for the right nor the left, neither for the right nor the wrong, nor even for the good against the evil, knowing a higher Good that transcends even as it encompasses all human concepts. They will be cognizant of the reasons for the worlds struggles, but as they live in the world and until the seed corn is gathered by God Himself they will continue to Love God with all their hearts and minds and they will love all mankind as themselves, constantly acting in their behalf for Good.
Read more about The Child