William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Friday, October 8, 2021

The Mysical Experience


Sea Breeze - Sandy Jones

by William Samuel 


  The experience of "illumination" is a genuine event awaiting most of us. Exactly what this much touted and nebulous event is, among other things, is the subjective nature of consciousness breaking through our ordinarily objective thought patterns. These "solipsistic" experiences are moments when we catch a conscious glimpse of our own (or God's) subjective nature as it relates to the world. Most of us desire these happenings mightily—and have them long before they are recognized or understood.

  So much has been written about illumination that no thinking person still questions its existence, albeit, many have searched for it without success, and many more have wandered into anguish, confusion and metaphysical gridlock trying to make a preconceived concept happen for themselves. Many more have been led astray by the fanciful accounts of those in high places who would like us to believe they know what they are talking about. The experience of gnosis is not uncommon—but it is often misunderstood or ignored by organized, dogmatic Christianity and Judaism. In Western metaphysics it is ignored, spoken of in hushed circles and frequently distorted. Illumination is better understood in the East, but misconceptions abound there as well. This quiet event actually happens often for everyone in unrecognized ways, much more frequently than it is understood. Light is our birthright. That experience has taught me that my Experience is everyone's experience; that what is true for me is true for the rest of myself—including those who read these words.


  After half a lifetime, I began to understand that every breakthrough and breakout was accompanied by a personal move toward simplicity and childlikeness. Again and again, when my affairs had grown complex, a glimpse of Light arrived, reducing earlier frustrations to new simplicities, and revealing a underlying unity. Somewhere along the line of our inner development, simplicity and childlikeness become primary. Science has perceived this move toward simplicity, but neither science, religion nor metaphysics has seen the equation between simplicity and childlikeness—the untouched Child within us. The recognition of this will be part of the explosion soon to come.

  In a marvelous and mysterious way, an Overtruth takes care of our affairs. But, until I was convinced of this, the inner workings of science, religion, mind and metaphysics were disconnected and confusing. As each glimpse of Light arrived, the complexity was understood and seen beyond, and a new simplicity came into view; then the process began again and still another simplicity arrived to explain itself within another view more basic than the last.

  I call these simplifying insights "Glimpses," and we will have much to say of them later in the book. They are extremely important. Surely, for all of us, the study of truth becomes a knot of intellectualism until Something bursts through to help.


  The new sciences, embracing metaphysics to a degree, are making breakthroughs into a comprehensive simplicity. Each breakthrough produces questions that proliferate into areas of confusion, and then comes another Glimpse and a sudden turn toward an underlying, more fundamental unity.

  When the final answers are known in this world, the Divine Simplicity of the Primal One (Godhead) will be "all there is,' and human intellectualism will not only have reached its limit, but will have run its course as well. The intuitive knowledge of a primal Simplicity behind everything sparks the scientist's search as surely as the metaphysician's.

  Now, as the twentieth century winds down, one can see that human searching has nearly reached the limits of human measure, but woe, the heart of us, the soul of us, remains where it was, just beyond the reach of the intellect. Neither religion nor metaphysics has performed as it promised. The "heart and soul"? Yes. The real of us, the Christlike truth of us, the Child of us, the ultimate Identity seems as far from our grasp as ever. Clearly, the fullness of Godhead remains beyond the limits of intellectualism and its organizations, but the wisdom about God that can be understood lies rooted in a knowledge of Identity, the Self made in the image of God. Certainly, Identity includes the heart and soul.

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Letter On Human Government

Sunset China Cove - by Sandy Jones

 Letter On Human Government

Paper written by William Samuel 1972

A Letter On Human Government --- By William Samuel

The age old struggle between idealism and materialism continue with materialism making the most apparent gains. The genuine idealist is becoming rather difficult find.

Now we have reached the point, right here in America, when our two political parties are, in their very essence, embodiments of these two extremes. Idealism, the least popular, because the least understood, is the basis for the conservative view of government. On the other hand, materialism is the foundation for the liberal view of government.

It is my hope that someone will come along who is capable of pointing out so that all can clearly understand the basic difference is these two views.
They are diametrically opposed one to the other. One says that “ideal society” can and must be regulated by laws; the other declares that the fewer laws the better an individual is able to operate to build the ideal society. The later group points out that "laws" are “regulations of human conduct” and that “freedom” is the “absence of regulations.” They maintain that we are removing our freedom by over regulating ourselves with laws at all levels of government and that we must reverse the trend lest one day we find all our personal freedom gone the way of government, rule, and regulation, for which we must pay the bill.

It is interesting to note that such a struggle between opposite points of view was waged in China 2500years ago. Confucius advocated a powerful central government of law and regulations. Loatse, on the other hand, quietly maintained that the less law and less government the better. Confucius carried the day because the bulk of the people approved the idea of a great central caretaker and regulator of their problems. The Loatsen view called for personal humility in the face of Divine Law which was already perfectly established and which could be discerned and followed by men if they didn’t allow themselves to be carried away, distracted, inundated by human laws, rules an regulation.

History records that the strong governments eventually become corrupted in an era of gross materialism, void of religion, and fell apart. Yet the Laotsen ideas became the basis for one of the most magnificent religions the world has ever known—its idealism still a major influence in the world today.
Mayhap someone will also point out that communism can only thrive in an atmosphere of materialism. Whereas genuine religion thrives only in an atmosphere of idealism. Communism is a dead duck in the conservative society. Religion is a gonner in the liberal atmosphere. This is not to say that a liberal is a communist, but it is to say that most liberals are unaware that their own governmental regulation of human conduct is an equal and opposite remover of personal freedom, which, by definition is "the absence of regulation." Neither are they aware that their ideas are rooted in materialism, the belief that money, property, “things” et al, are more important than the overriding "Isness" which is being all "things." Many materialists I know pride themselves in the power of their ‘mind’ while all the while they hold that very mind in total subjection to their opinion of “things.”

The idealist, on the other hand, holds that "things" are secondary to mind, life, consciousness which he equates with God. The materialist must eventually equate his regulating government (who controls the “things” he considers so important) with God. This, of course, is precisely what communism preaches.
Humanity is prone to consider everything it thinks and does from the basis of the appearing. It recons reality from the seen and heard. Its aim and intention is to correct the errors of appearance. Suppose a mathematician did this. Suppose he did all his figuring and calculating from the standpoint of all the errors which appeared on the misworked paper. He would't get much done. As a matter of fact, he wouldn’t get anything done. He wouldn’t solve the first error until he left the mistake long enough to check into the principle of arithmetic which would show him what was wrong about the problem and how to solve it.

So long as humanity is concerned only with the "things" of perception and pays no heed to the very perfect principle of Reality which is the basis for all ‘things’ ---and which, when understood, is the harmony and perfection of all experience---it will suffer the consequences of its own misinterpretation of “things.” Mankind must leave the errors of human experience in order to have done with them, just as the mathematician must "leave" the problem in order to entertain the “answer” to the problem. The answer to the problem is always, always, Reality, God.

William Samuel 1972 - Mountain Brook, Alabama

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Read more by William Samuel books available on Amazon 

The Awareness of Self-Discovery   by William Samuel 

A Guide To Awareness and Tranquillity   by William Samuel 

The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics 

by William Samuel 

  Two Plus Two Equals Reality-- by William Samuel 

Seminar With William Samuel, White, Georgia -- DVD

About William Samuel 

Literary Executor Sandy Jones 

Barefoot at Heart-The Alchemy of Love and the Power of Light   by Sandy Jones 



Butterfly Publishing House 


Celestial Song

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Holographic Nature of Matter


"Moonlight Meadow" by Sandy Jones

"The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics"

by William Samuel

Holographic Nature of Matter

To understand the wonders of limited light is to marvel at the wonders of Illimitable Light, Godhead, Father of lights. Consider: the light bouncing into your eyes from this sheet of paper is not only bringing images of the printed words, but images of the entire room whether you are noticing them or not. And not just images within your line of sight, but of virtually everything in the room, behind the furniture, under the tables, on the hidden shelves. If the light that illumines the page comes from the window, there is information pouring through your eyes containing an image of every mountain, every tree, every blade of grass as far as the eye can see. Farther—because the eye can't see what is hidden behind that building, but the light bouncing from these words does! If this seems difficult to believe, let me make it more so. The light which is the apparent substance of this bit of paper contains knowledge of the entire earth. Solar system. Galaxy. Universe!

This may seem a bit mind-bending at first, but once the principle of holography is understood, one perceives a most marvelous secret which the Ancients were aware of: The part contains knowledge of the whole; every part of the part contains knowledge of the whole of the Whole. 

Let me give an illustration of this wonder of wonders. It will be particularly meaningful now that the leading edge of science has concluded that all “matter”—be it particle or galaxy—is holographic imagery, arrested or “slowed” light!

Do you remember the old, square Brownie box camera of yore? The first ones didn't even have a lens. Just an opening that would open and close at about 1/25th of a second—and take a dandy picture.

Pretend just such a Brownie snapshot was made of you and your Uncle George way back on your fifth birthday. Uncle George had come to visit bringing some wonderful gift with him. Someone took a picture which you have cherished and kept for fifty long years because that day and that uncle were very special. There you stand, stiff and straight in your party clothes, the gift in its box tucked under your right arm. Uncle George is standing to your left, a big smile on his face, his arm holding you close. In the back ground someone with a big fanny is bent over, but her head was hidden behind Uncle George when the picture as snapped and you have long forgotten who it was. In the left front is an image of a foot. To whom it belonged you never did know. In fact, you have long forgotten what the gift was, but you remember it was very special. Uncle George always brought special gifts.

Well now. It is fifty years later and we are still pretending. The old snapshot has taken a battering over the years. Way back when you took the scissors and cut the extraneous foot away since it had no business in the picture. Years later when you were away at school, the suitcase was accidentally closed on it, tearing away the entire bottom half. Finally, since only the top of your head remained alongside Uncle George, you trimmed away everything except his head and shoulders. Everything. That is all that remains now: half of Uncle George smiling. The beautiful scene of the park is gone. The foot and the frilly fanny have long been forgotten. Except for a small fragment of the original picture, all else is a memory of a distant childhood—and much of that has faded.

Now let us stop pretending—except for the fragment of picture. Let us discuss a relatively simple physical fact. Can you guess what will happen if we shine a certain type of split-beam laser light on our fragment? Voila! Between the projecting laser and the fragment comes a holographic image of Uncle George hovering in the air like a ghost. The laser light strikes the fragment, bounces away and reproduces an image of light.


But lo, something new has been added. Uncle George is in three dimensions, not just two as he appeared on the original snapshot! There he stands in depth, as well as in length and height. Pot, pudgy cheeks and smile, all in three dimensions!

Look again. There's more. ALL of Uncle George is there. Not just the head and shoulders on the fragment, but the bottom half that was lost in the suitcase caper back in 1940! Can the top half of an image reproduce the bottom half that isn't there? Clearly. There it is. But as the lady who inspects Hanes underwear in the TV ad says. “That's just the beginning, Kid!” Look at the holographic image again. There you are too, tall and straight with the box tucked under your arm and all in three dimensions. And there are the park, the trees, the flowers, the big behinnie with the frilly dress, a bird and a butterfly you had never seen before—and all in three dimensions. How in the world can such a small fragment contain so much information? But wait, there is still MUCH more! The little Brownie camera “saw” one point of view as the picture was taken years ago. Now, fifty years later, our fragment still has etched on its surface a hundred thousand thousand points of view, nearly to infinity—almost as if the camera were in ALL places simultaneously when the picture was snapped! Well, the camera wasn't, but the light was, and that's why we are getting three dimensions. Let me try to explain while you look at the holographic images again. 

As you look full on, facing the images hovering magically in the air, you will notice they are placed like figures on a stage, so to speak, the distant trees behind you and your uncle, the frilly behind, between you and the trees, and so on. As you move to the right and left of the images, you begin to notice things that were never on the original picture at all. For instance, you lean to the left and see the head of someone attached to the frilly dress. Your mother! You never realized she was in the picture! You walk to the right side of your own image and see what is written on the box. Lincoln Logs! Now you remember that long forgotten gift. Here you are looking at “information” that was never apparent on the original picture at all, much less on the small scrap remaining. The fragment somehow contains knowledge of the whole—and much MORE than was seen by the eye fifty years ago when the picture was made. Oh yes, the foot that was mysteriously in the original picture is there, too—with a faint body attached. Your father—he was running to get in the picture, never realizing he made it. 

Reader, remember that we are not speaking of high mysticism or metaphysics here. We are only touching down lightly—and, hopefully, dramatically—on just one aspect of ordinary light, the very light by means of which your are reading these words. This instant, the awareness of you is being flooded with information quite beyond anything you may ever have dreamed. We are not limited to one point of view as we watch the sunset or the wave breaking along the shore. ALL points of view are present, right here, right now. We are not bound to the physical limits of the eyes and ears. The scene outside the window is a fragment of the earth, isn't it? And isn't the earth a fragment of solar system, galaxy, universe? The part contains information of the Whole.

But there is more. More! Much more. If these things are true for limited light in motion (and they are) how much more must be true for ILLIMITABLE, OMNIPRESENT LIGHT!  If limited light brings information of the entire physical (holographic) universe, what Wonder-beyond-wonder exists as the SOURCE, FOUNTAINHEAD, GODHEAD which is BEING moving light! Limited light is a portion of Light. It contains information of the All as well. The awareness that reads these words is Light/light; the Wisdom it IS is awesome. Awesome!


Dear Light of Life, Self of my Self, begin your study of Light/light. Examine light. Look at light. Enjoy light. See the light glistening on the water. See light reflected from the faces of flowers and children. See light twinkling from the stars and from the eyes of love. See light lifting in the morning and lingering in the evening. Examine the light that darkness merely delineates. Sit still and see the wondrous Light which is the source and substance of EVERYTHING. The Galilean mystic who identified as Light Itself said “...these stones shall minister unto thee...cleave a piece of wood and I am there...Within a man of light there is light and he lights the whole world...we have come from the Light.” Awareness (life is the Light from which all things come and to which all things return even as the perfect Light of Godhead is the source and substance of Awareness. At the speed of light there is neither space nor time. At Light, Life is deathless and eternal.


There is much power in this message. If you will, you can feel it. How much MORE is the Life of YOU!

Excerpt from "The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics"by William Samuel 

Read more about The Child
you can purchase the book "The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics"  By William Samuel - Available on Amazon 

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Read more by William Samuel books available on Amazon 

The Awareness of Self-Discovery   by William Samuel 

A Guide To Awareness and Tranquillity   by William Samuel 

The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics 

by William Samuel 

  Two Plus Two Equals Reality-- by William Samuel 

Seminar With William Samuel, White, Georgia -- DVD

About William Samuel 

Literary Executor Sandy Jones 

Barefoot at Heart-The Alchemy of Love and the Power of Light   by Sandy Jones 



Butterfly Publishing House 


Celestial Song