William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Wednesday, November 13, 2024


 Joy Sings - by Sandy Jones

A LETTER ON HUMAN GOVERNMENT - by William Samuel, 1972

The age old struggle between idealism and materialism continue with materialism making the most apparent gains. The genuine idealist is becoming rather difficult find.

Now we have reached the point, right here in America, when our two political parties are, in their very essence, embodiments of these two extremes. Idealism, the least popular, because the least understood, is the basis for the conservative view of government. On the other hand, materialism is the foundation for the liberal view of government.

It is my hope that someone will come along who is capable of pointing out so that all can clearly understand the basic difference is these two views.

They are diametrically opposed one to the other. One says that “ideal society” can and must be regulated by laws; the other declares that the fewer laws the better an individual is able to operate to build the ideal society. The later group points out that "laws" are “regulations of human conduct” and that “freedom” is the “absence of regulations.” They maintain that we are removing our freedom by over regulating ourselves with laws at all levels of government and that we must reverse the trend lest one day we find all our personal freedom gone the way of government, rule, and regulation, for which we must pay the bill.

It is interesting to note that such a struggle between opposite points of view was waged in China 2500years ago. Confucius advocated a powerful central government of law and regulations. Loatse, on the other hand, quietly maintained that the less law and less government the better. Confucius carried the day because the bulk of the people approved the idea of a great central caretaker and regulator of their problems. The Loatsen view called for personal humility in the face of Divine Law which was already perfectly established and which could be discerned and followed by men if they didn’t allow themselves to be carried away, distracted, inundated by human laws, rules an regulation.

History records that the strong governments eventually become corrupted in an era of gross materialism, void of religion, and fell apart. Yet the Laotsen ideas became the basis for one of the most magnificent religions the world has ever known—its idealism still a major influence in the world today.

Mayhap someone will also point out that communism can only thrive in an atmosphere of materialism. Whereas genuine religion thrives only in an atmosphere of idealism. Communism is a dead duck in the conservative society. Religion is a gonner in the liberal atmosphere. This is not to say that a liberal is a communist, but it is to say that most liberals are unaware that their own governmental regulation of human conduct is an equal and opposite remover of personal freedom, which, by definition is "the absence of regulation." Neither are they aware that their ideas are rooted in materialism, the belief that money, property, “things” et al, are more important than the overriding "Isness" which is being all "things." Many materialists I know pride themselves in the power of their ‘mind’ while all the while they hold that very mind in total subjection to their opinion of “things."

The idealist, on the other hand, holds that "things" are secondary to mind, life, consciousness which he equates with God. The materialist must eventually equate his regulating government (who controls the “things” he considers so important) with God. This, of course, is precisely what communism preaches.
Humanity is prone to consider everything it thinks and does from the basis of the appearing. It recons reality from the seen and heard. Its aim and intention is to correct the errors of appearance. Suppose a mathematician did this. Suppose he did all his figuring and calculating from the standpoint of all the errors which appeared on the misworked paper. He would't get much done. As a matter of fact, he wouldn’t get anything done. He wouldn’t solve the first error until he left the mistake long enough to check into the principle of arithmetic which would show him what was wrong about the problem and how to solve it.

So long as humanity is concerned only with the "things" of perception and pays no heed to the very perfect principle of Reality which is the basis for all ‘things’ ---and which, when understood, is the harmony and perfection of all experience---it will suffer the consequences of its own misinterpretation of “things.” Mankind must leave the errors of human experience in order to have done with them, just as the mathematician must "leave" the problem in order to entertain the “answer” to the problem. The answer to the problem is always, always, Reality, God.

William Samuel 1972 - Mountain Brook, Alabama

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   



Water Lilies - Artwork by Sandy Jones

From 1995 William Samuel Journals

Laws and Big Government      By William Samuel

Friday, June 2, 1995 

What is the primary reason for big government? Population is certainly one of the problems, but not the main one. Government's growth is proportional to two things: population and the number of laws. 

Imagine a garden just hacked out of the jungle. That garden is the original 13 colonies just after we threw off the burden of England. We were a brand new nation and free of British tyranny. Not a single law existed. There wasn't a law book in the whole land. We were totally free. By definition, a law is a restriction of human conduct. Freedom, by definition, means the absence of human restrictions. 

Now, this new garden is on rich soil and there are others in the world who would gladly come and take our freedom from us. Realizing this, we quickly established the Declaration of Independence as the Law of our new land. This is the equivalent of putting a string around our garden to keep foreign armies out. A string isn't enough, so laws were passed allowing us to raise an army and navy for our common defense. This much law is the equivalent of a chain link fence around the garden. 

We live in this garden and make our living there. The cost of the army, navy, the president and all our representatives come from us, the people who live in the garden, from our produce and our labor there. All the offices for the politicians are located somewhere on the fence, built by us, paid for by us. The more laws we have, the thicker and taller grows our fence and the less sunshine hits the ground to grow our crops. 

We've had "lawmakers" for 200 years, so our fence has become a wall and grown so tall and thick that not enough sun hits the ground for the crops to grow as well as they did and it becomes more difficult to pay for the upkeep of the fence. Every time there is an injustice on the ground of the garden, some agency of government thinks the problem can be improved with more laws, more enforcement and more taxes, more expensive fence, more shadowy government. 

40 years ago when I first wrote this over-simplified example of what's wrong with too much government, it would have cost too many government employees their jobs and their votes for a politician to advocate giving sunshine back to the garden by lessening the numbers of laws that were no longer necessary. Now, we hear people begging for government to become smaller and simplified. We hear of the desire for whole sections of the fence to be removed. Education, Labor and other entire programs could be eliminated, thus reducing the size of the government and reducing the demands made on us, the people who till the soil and run the factories. 

When this country was new, the founding fathers and mothers had many discussions about the form our government should take. Benjamin Franklin wrote in his journal that he imagined that our representatives would spend an equal time each year removing old laws that were no longer necessary! He also imagined that these people would spend half their time making new laws and repealing old ones, spending the other half of their time at home where the problems could be determined. 

As a boy, I remember the great pride a politician took when his name became attached to a new law. Now, before we all perish under the weight of the laws and lawbooks, I'd love to see legislators become just as proud of the laws they eliminated and the problems that might be solved by giving freedom back to the people. Problems can be solved by removing the restrictions that old laws represent. For instance, old laws add 25% to the construction costs of all government buildings alone! 

Is it any wonder that many in the garden have grown paranoid and irrationally suspicious of a government that has a yearly budget over a trillion dollars? The shadow of the fence has grown to cover the entire garden now and only those things prosper that grow in subdued light, like greed, lust and rampant materialism. Nowadays, a business man can't move without breaking somebody's law. He needs legal advise to pay his taxes, for goodness sake. 

It seems to me now, in these late years of my life, just the elimination of governmental duplication of services would save us enormously. 

I remember that as a business man, I would no longer get through a city or county inspection than I'd be faced with the same inspection from the state or the federal government. Little did our founding fathers realize how many laws we'd accumulate at the city, county, state and federal levels during the next 200 years. The time has come to simply remove some of this old weight and let the sunshine of freedom in again. I remember the illustration of 30 years ago concluded that we must reduce the fence around the garden the same way we built it. If we didn't, we people in the garden would angrily tear the fence down. Isn't that what happened in the Oklahoma City bombing? Someone tried to blow a hole in the wall. 

I also remember that the hula hoop craze had just spread across the nation. In exactly the same way, the thought of reducing the numbers of laws on the law books could also "catch on." It is only the slightest shift of thinking that we realize that a law is a restriction of human conduct and that freedom is the absence of too much law, not the burial under tons of it. With a little encouragement from high places, it could become fashionable to attempt the solution of problems by the unique act of removing old laws instead of making more. Law unmakers are freedom restorers. 

The more laws we have, the larger our government grows. After all, those laws have to be enforced and regulated. We must have judges and lawyers, trials and prisons and enforcement people. 

William Samuel --  Woodsong, 1995

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Read more by William Samuel books available on Amazon 

The Awareness of Self-Discovery   by William Samuel 

A Guide To Awareness and Tranquillity   by William Samuel 

The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics 

by William Samuel 

  Two Plus Two Equals Reality-- by William Samuel 

Seminar With William Samuel, White, Georgia -- DVD

About William Samuel 

Literary Executor Sandy Jones 

Barefoot at Heart-The Alchemy of Love and the Power of Light   by Sandy Jones 



Butterfly Publishing House 


Celestial Song

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

INTRODUCTION - Quantum Man, The Guided Missile

Artwork by Alexa Bliss Jones
by William Samuel 



  Something enormous is soon to happen in the world; there is no sensitive person who doesn't feel this deeply. In every field—science, religion, philosophy, government, business, or whatever—a strange sense of disquiet is growing, a feeling of Something Imminent. As we look about us, we can see that the world is off course. Many who think they understand, point to drugs, overcrowding, pollution, the overload of information, corrupt government and any number of other possible causes. But what is happening now has a more significant and, as yet, undreamed of cause. The recognition of this deeper dimension comes with a solution for the world's problems! This book is about that.

  If we think of mankind in quantum terms—as a single organism—we might picture civilization as a missile moving through time and space. This missile has been on its way for many thousands of years, headed for a special destination for mankind. Its internal guidance mechanism was turned on when the great religions and philosophies arrived to give humane guidance to men. For Western society, the missile's central system was activated at the time of Judaism's declaration of one God, and that declaration, along with similar statements from other cultures, has been the primary directive for society thus far.

  When Christianity arose and broke from the popular Judaism of the day, the missile received input that altered the course, much as our satellites today are given in-flight corrections as they move to do their work in the universe. With each discovery or development in history, Eastern or Western, external and internal, have come new adjustments in civilization's direction. None of the developments in this long line of progression have been accidental or "bad," despite the human tendency to judge them so. Everything that has happened has been driving us relentlessly to this present moment and to the events shortly to begin.


Now, imagine the missile of collective civilization nearing its target, ready to receive its final redirection for the next and perhaps last phase of the trip—not unlike the "smart missile" that sees the target ahead and directs the internal mechanism to drive itself straight to the destination. For mankind, the destination is a rediscovery of simple subjectivism, a new mark in non-space and non-time, a fulfillment of the Original Purpose for tangible life on earth.

  As far as the relationship between time and space and their interconnections to tangible life goes, the end-game's corrective information is presently being received within the quantum body of civilization. This information is intended to adjust and correct society's major systems for their final movement as mankind comes to discern the true nature of things—particularly time, space, matter and awareness (life). In many ways science, the vanguard of human wisdom, has nearly reached that comprehension already.

  What does this final corrective feel like to you and me here in the old-world scene of things? It comes as a new clock turned on within us; as new sensitivity; an increasing intuitiveness; a new perception within us; as certain unfamiliar anxieties, disquiets, stresses and discomforts; as inexplicable fear and depression. Anyone can look at the human scene and see the lids popping off here and there with acts of insanity and people trying to satisfy impossible urges. Who is to say what the northern geese feel before they assemble to make the trek south? Or the butterflies before they start their long upwind search for their ancestral birthplace? I know that dramatic course-altering input is presently arriving within mankind; the sensitive feel it especially. This arrival is not unlike the way the ability to perceive color has developed in mankind in recent millennia. We are told this sense is one of the latest developments of the human brain—but what is presently happening is at a deeper level of mentation. What is it? The arrival of the truly subjective nature of mentation—quantum man's capacity for ever greater introspective self-examination. 

  At this moment, civilization is a little like a field of cotton beginning to bloom: first a boll here, another there, then more and more until one morning we look out and the entire field is abloom. Or, it is like popcorn popping. One kernel pops, then another and another until there is a veritable explosion of the rest. Hard pressed, shaken together and running over, mankind is coming into a conscious knowledge of a subjective sense of things which is certain to alter the course of civilization. The first "blooms" have been the prophets, the seers, the avatars, the insightful, those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Now the field is turning white with the ability to perceive subjectively. Confusion abounds at the unrecognized newness of it all. Now that subjectivism is here, no one knows what to do with it. The major divisions of human activity have not made the necessary adjustments to allow the missile the freedom to change course. Neither education, government, religion nor metaphysics has made the full turn demanded of them—and the time is short. In certain areas, science, with the help of subjective quantum mechanics, has adjusted reasonably well as it goes along searching the vistas of tangibility, but it remains to be seen what scientists will do with their information once it becomes clear that they are now, and always have been, examining consciousness.

  People are individually willing to adjust, as their intuitions and feelings come into focus, but the controlling groups to which they belong, are vigorously holding to the old ways, refusing to listen to the New Sounds within. Either the institutions of mankind adjust to allow men to change mental course, or there will be a sociological anguish unparalleled in human history.


  Pertaining to this subjective capability within myself, I have come to perceive special things about time, space, and matter that seem to be generally unknown; yet it is essential that Everyman begin to understand them. Like so many of the things that have been shown to me in the past, I know that mankind and his science will find them soon.

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -