William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Standing On My Own Feet

Standing On My Own Feet                               By Sandy Jones 


William Samuel writes: 

"The statement that leaves one standing on his own feet, without saint or avatar external to himself, is the only statement worthy of the world."

That is just about the most prefect message I think I may have ever read.

The Child stands unbound and strong. It is the Soul, the Light here within us and It is the only way now to find Real Freedom, your God given Divine Birth Right.

This Self you are is holy, individual, resilient, creative, vital, eager and understanding -- and in fact this Child you are has all the answers-- It is being all you will need to show you the way through this world.

There is nothing in life that can hurt, take, imprison or hold you from being this Child you are, it is the holy one, the love of your life.

You will find yourself to be the right next to this Living Light of God’s Infinite, Immutable Awareness. The Child sits next to Reality, right here, you can discover the immaculate Self you were before you were born into this world experience.

This Inner Guide, this Self-Knowing One, the Pristine Child is the Light and Life within each of us, now. It is pure, untouched by the world. You will find It, because it is the very Heart and Soul of you - It is you right now and always.

Love, Sandy

I would suggest that anyone interested in their own Self discovery should read the book by William Samuel titled
"The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics" This book is an honest and worthy statement that will leave you standing on your own feet.

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery - you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones  -- samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   


  1. A beautiful gift for my birthday! Thank you so much Sandy. My heart needed these words.

  2. Ahhh, that is so nice to hear. Happy Birthday! Should be a day to realize you are indeed 'born again" as your very own real and living Self that God has given you to be, the one you always were. You will gain your strength and power back, as you had as a little boy and you will find your self standing up for Freedom and Truth and Light in the days ahead, as your own Authority, sound, fearless and assured.
