William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


The Child Within Us Lives! 
A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics 
By William Samuel 



Living subjectively in an Objective World

( Excerpt Chapter Nine ) 


Young people hear of the wonders of subjective ALREADYNESS and it appeals to them. They want their dominion NOW, but for the most part are not willing to do what is necessary for realizing it. They talk much, but they surrender nothing. Subjectivism, half-taught, half-understood, caters to their greed by telling them they can have whatever they wish.


The old people hear of the wonders of Alreadyness and are willing to do anything to attain it—provided that action meets the standards of their belief system and includes a separate Savior outside themselves. They talk much, but they surrender nothing. Objectivism caters to their belief of personality and separation. 

Solution? We live the subjective Truth on the objective mountain. We surrender the old ways FIRST and take on the New Ways as the Child gives them to us. We find the BALANCE of the middle ground. 

The BEING of the subjectivist and the DOING of the objectivist are not two separate entities. It is ONE ACTION, LIFE AUTHENTICATING ITSELF. It is BEING appearing as BECOMING. Which equals: 1. Sue coming to understand. 2. Sue seeing the Child Self. 3. Sue sitting before the campfire and tending the fire just like everyone else sitting before the fire. It is Sue being in the world but not of it. It is Sue doing something for her world.

As the Awareness of Mind, I see my Sue as Me, living her Childlikeness. As William in the world, I confidently anticipate the CONFIRMATION of that singleness and see it, my subjective Selfhood, lifted up.


If one isn't faithful to the appearing, then that appearing never appears as BECOMING—that is, as our getting farther up the mountain. The seeker who turns his back on the appearing, disclaiming its reality, is half right, but the part that's half wrong diminishes it all.

If one is faithful to the appearing as if it were the only Reality, that appearing never appears as a BECOMING. The religionist who never disclaims the power and reality of matter, is half wrong, and the part that's half wrong diminishes the rest.

Solution? We find the balance between the inside and the outside and live that balance wherever we seem to be so long as we seem to be there. That balance takes one beyond his metaphysics and religion, yet he never has to leave them to live the Balance. He doesn't have to leave his job or his world. He doesn't have to claim a dominion he hasn't earned. 

He doesn't have to leave the world's warfare to be untouched by it. He doesn't have to do anything BUT BE FAITHFUL TO THE APPEARING. Faithful to the appearing, he finds the appearings anguish leaving him bit by bit and leaving the world as well.

I am faithful to the appearing when I deny its apparent authority—because nothing has real authority but Good. (Why doesn't the religionist see this? It is a mystery.)

I am faithful to the appearing when I do for the appearing WHATEVER seems to be the best course of action for the GOOD of mankind. Why do I act so? Because, so long as it “seems” I'm in the world, I strive to help my world. (Why doesn't the subjectivist see this? It is a mystery.)

When I have acted in such a way here in the world of people, places and events, I have been given a course of action that blesses all mankind.

When I have acted and been victorious here in the world of appearances, and told of my victory to those who wanted to know of it, I have been given greater victories. I conclude, therefore, that I am not finished with the living of Balance until I've ACTED in the world by helping my others find it equally.


Intellectualism gets very close to the truth of things, but doesn't quite make it without the heart. 

The heart gets very close to the truth of things, but doesn't quite make it in the world without the intellect—as anyone knows who, upon the discovery of the Child-heart, has tried to throw intellectualism out the window. Intellectualism's inadequacy is evident. Civilization “out there” nears gridlock and death.

Yet, clearly the only way the heart can accept intellectualism—the world in ridiculous argument before the campfire—is with love. So, as the Apostle wrote, without love everything is lost. 

Here we come again to the importance of love—non-rejection. We stop rejecting the scene at hand. There is no escaping it for any length of time as long as it appears. We do as we were admonished—watch it, understand it, and tend it faithfully. “Be a faithful witness.” We do that to the best of our ability until the end of our days in front of the fire. Metadelphians know precious little about this, just as religionist know precious less about subjectivism. 

If we remain faithful to this limited scene of contradistinction and argument, what wonder might be in store for us where the illimitable Light doesn't waver or cast a shadow?

Unfaithful to it, we find our suffering goes on.

The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics 
By William Samuel  Available on Amazon 


If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

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