William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Perfect As It Is

Artwork by Sandy Jones 

Celestial Song 

By William Samuel

If we expect the end of human problems, global problems, problems in nature or from cosmic reaches, the end begins here and now with the Awareness viewing these words.  One does not arrive at the end of catastrophes, shortages, wars—personal or global—while waiting for OTHERS to discover the truth WITH us.  No!  If we wait for others to discover and live the truth with us, we wait in vain past the midnight hour.  ALONE, all alone, we begin right here and do the job for our world OURSELF!  As Awareness, we do this ourself.  The Millennial Peace begins with YOU reader.  The heralded Era lies in you hands of comprehension—not a government’s, not in many working in organizational concert.  The onus is yours to act on here and now!  So, we get at it!……not we, but I.  “I” get busy and return to the beginning.  I return to the primal Christ light that observes and understands the perfection before it.  I do.  Not my others.  Others see this example perhaps and as an added thing may go and do likewise.  But, the perception of others perceiving and beginning to live the Truth comes as intellectual confirmation and really isn’t important, for even when we see the world still destroying beliefs and dreams of misplaced value, we understand THAT appearance too—and understand why it is good.  Not bad—good!

The tangible Millennium yet to be seen in space-time awaits ones UNDERSTANDING what is before the eyes.  There is no need to change ANYTHING but there is the divine command to UNDERSTAND everything.  Where does that start if not HERE as I-awareness?  With others? No. With I.  We, as the wisdom and comprehension of God, look for the perfect reason undergirding every appearance.  “EVERY appearance?  Aren’t some of them illusion and dream?”  EVERY APPEARANCE.  The dream has its reason for appearing too, else how would one know gentle dreamlessness?

There are those who come to us asking.  What do we tell them?  That THIS Awareness reading these words is the Christ life, finally come to set all things straight.  “Even the affairs of the world?”  ESPECIALLY  the affairs of the world!  “How?”  By understanding appearances within Awareness and the perfect reason for their existence. 

We end the fixation with personal affairs to tend the world scene, the WHOLE scene!  The grand librarian LaoTse wrote, Understand the All, the Whole, and that alone…Be the stream of the UNIVERSE--- the sage takes care of ALL men and abandons no one.  He takes care of ALL things and abandons NOTHIING.  This, he said, is called ‘Following the Light.’

Again, that keeper of words who wrote so few, said, “Understand Virtue (perfection) in yourself and Virtue will be real…comprehend virtue in the universe and virtue will be everywhere!”  Who is to do this if not this one whom you call I?  Someone else?  There is no one else.  Someone out there?  There are none out there.  ALL are within This Awareness being I.

“The world is a perfect vessel that cannot be improved.”  Yes, yes—but how this flouts the scientific, judgmental opinion that sees everything going straight to hell!  How many times LaoTse must have been asked,  “If all is perfect, master, then what are we to DO?”  His answer again and again, “Non-action is All-action.”

That “inscrutable answer” can be comprehended now.  Listen softly.  The attempt to balance, heal, secure or correct the world scene is shadow play—sheer foolishness that has become so futile a child can see its headlong plunge into chaos, carnage.  BUT TO COMPRENEND WHY THE SCENE BEFORE THE EYES IS PERFECT JUST AS IT IS is to BEHOLD the scene healed, balanced, righted and secure.  Immediately!  NOW!  Without wait and without effort; without the horrendous human struggle that avails nothing but disquiet. 

We comprehend, we understand, we know.  This is the non-action that is ALL action.  This is the wisdom that appears to the eye as the healing of the nations.  We want the Millennial Peace that brings the end of sin, sickness, disease and death?  Then we BE it!  Nothing less will do.  We BE it consciously!  We gird up our loins and BE it—then DO what that being demands!  These words are just such a doing. 

The attempt to heal a situation, personal or worldwide, is primarily the old sense of self at work.  Ah, but to UNERSTAND old-self at work is Self at work, Self’s comprehension of Self.  To UNDERSTAND personal or worldwide inequities is Self’s comprehension of Self.  Self’s comprehension of Self perceives the reasons for, thence the END of, self and its inequities, individual or worldwide.  This is the ‘way’ of enlightenment.  “This is called Following the Light.”  This is the healing of the nations.


If people give me smiles because I smile at them, I suspect there are some who can give a cool drink of water too, should I need it.  Just as the tree along the river bank, I receive from within; I receive from without—inside and outside the same. 

 I remember my first journey across a desert.  When things began to seem hopeless, when the first hints of anguish began to appear, someone always appeared with water—cool, refreshing water—respite from thirst and discouragement.

So it is, there is always an oasis near us—within/without us—being all there is TO us.  Sometimes that refreshing aspect of Selfhood appears an inner glimmer along the pathway of inner search.  But as often as not, its confirmation comes as someone who, while appearing ‘out there,’ is PLAINLY another view of the Selfhood-I-Am, capable of showing us the tangible water we thirst for—clear water, clean water, undistorted and healing water. 

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

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