William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Saturday, June 3, 2017


  From out of the complexity of pure science and absolute metaphysics come the most marvelous SIMPLICITIES. For me, metaphysical absoluteness was apparently necessary to break out into Knowing. I don't know if it is necessary for my “others” to struggle as I did, but others don't need to suffer in those same areas if they will BELIEVE the Simplicities I've found and then make them their own; that is, if they will put them to the test and live them for themselves.

  Those Glimpses that come with contemplation, meditation, study—or on the gently evening breeze—are the Spirit of the Unknowable. They are the Word that “proceedest from the mouth of the Lord,” as it is put in Biblical language. They are essential for our inner growth and awakening. Whatever we actually need in this human scheme of things begins with those blips of inner light. Not the glimpses other people have, but the ones we have for ourselves. Those Glimpses “come from” the Center of Ourself, from the Child, the real Identity of us, “he who was before he came into being.”


Suppose the country rose thinks it needs a certain chemical. It meditates and prays and listens to the revivalists on the wind, but when the sun breaks through, the sunshine brings what is necessary to help the plant absorb all needed chemicals—and do all things else for the plant's ongoingness—things of which the plant has no conscious knowledge.

  Let us get this straight. The Glimpses of Truth are the most meaningful things in our affairs. They come with whatever we actually need for the long haul in time and space, if not for the moment—and they come with whatever the physical body of us needs whether we are conscious of the need or not. When the Glimpse comes, “healing” that we aren't yet capable of recognizing is happening, albeit not necessarily the healing we humanly want.

  Now hear this too. We don't sit about and wait until we need the Light of Life until we act in this human scene of things. That's pretty much the way the world does it. Rather, we keep doing those things necessary to see the Light of Life in our affairs; we keep at the work of living the simple Equation (Truth) as a gardener keeps at his work—and our garden prospers in the Light.

Not long ago, a lady was here and I asked if she felt she had made spiritual progress during the past year. She said, “Definitely not. I've made no progress at all, spiritual or otherwise. My life is falling apart and that's why I'm here.” She said she couldn't remember the last time she had had a moment of insight.

  The world's disintegration has already set in if we're not regularly catching more Glimpses of Truth. If we haven't perceived one in recent days. We're headed for human trouble.

  But to have glimpses of Truth regularly does not mean that one lives forever without an apparent decline of the body in the passage of years. If the Glimpses are still coming, we are laying up Treasures where moth doth not corrupt and our worldly affairs do not turn into an anchor around our necks. If new insights are not coming, we're headed in the wrong direction. If they are coming, we savor them, examine them and remember them in the greatest possible detail. That's why we keep the journal. The Light of the glimpse is bringing so much MORE than we think we need.


  What heals? The glimpse of Light. What does the good work? The Light. No difference between the glimpses and glimmers and no matter if they are spelled with a capital or not. What do I do when someone comes to me for help? I give him one of my glimpses and tell him to give one of his to someone else. If he HEARS mine and gives one of his own, he moves toward tangible health that moment, and both of us soon have more glimpses to give! That is a significant part of the grand Equation—a Simplicity beyond words. And it WORKS wonders greater that I can tell. It does MORE than simply “heal” this or that. It benefits the entire WORLD. 

How is it possible for a glimpse of Truth here on the river bank to do such an enormous thing as help all mankind? It is possible because the world and all mankind are subjective, WITHIN this Awareness we are. We are given dominion over that subjective world that we have come to understand, find guiltless, loose and let go. This world is ours to TEND as surely as a gardener tends his flowers. Our garden needs a continuing flow of Light and that Light comes as our inflowing bits and pieces of insight. We are to GIVE those Glimpses to our world as we receive them, live them, comprehend and confirm them. This is part of the Mystery of the Equation. 

No one in metaphysics has written of the Child yet, or the Equation and its Balance. I may never publish these words, but at the moment it appears that task has been given me to do—just because, finally, humanity is on the edge of a willingness to understand what lies beyond intellectualism. Mankind really wants to know how to live his intellectualism intelligently without destroying civilization in the process. 

Metaphysicians have nothing in their literature about the Child or the Equations. Metaphysics includes the Child's way to think—subjectively—but very little about the Child's way to live and act for mankind. In these final days of our human experience, it is essential that we get acquainted with the rest of these three marvels.


  The only measure of real success in all the world is whether or not one is coming to perceive more truth. No one knows this better than we do—each of us individually—and we know whether or not we've had new light in recent days. No one else can tell us more about this personal progress than we can tell ourselves. It is our own inmost business. But, if we haven't been seeing ever more light, we haven't been making progress, and we are sinking into the quagmire of Da Shan.

  Once we've recognized a Glimpse for what it is, the Child within knows there are more glimpses to be seen, experienced, lived and celebrated. More, we know those Glimpses offer new perspectives of old views. They tell us more nearly how things really are. They brighten and enliven our affairs. But most of all, those Glimpses come with healing on their wings, reviving the Child within.

  With each bit of Light we are more the Child and less the climber.

  Gentle listener, this this is what you have come here for. There is something one can do to begin having those wonderful glimpses of Truth again! We will talk about that around tomorrow's campfire. 

This is an excerpt from "The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics"   By William Samuel  

Available on Amazon 

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

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