William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

About Agnosticism

Excerpt from 
Two Plus Two Equals Reality 

First printed 1958, Birmingham, Alabama
by William Samuel 

This excerpt is from 
Two Plus Two Equals Reality 
Available on Amazon 


     Recently I met a young man who called himself an agnostic. He said, “I am completely disinterested in God. I have no proof that a God exists, and the idea of some super-Being watching over me and the world is somehow rather ludicrous in light of the world situation. Besides that,” he continued, “the blatant hypocrisy of 'religious men' is enough to turn my stomach.” 

     This statement rather sums up the opinions of many frustrated people, young and old alike. 

     “And another thing,” he added, “how can anything ever be understood when even the oldest religious leaders, with years of study behind them, are at loggerheads with one another and apparently unable to solve the world's problems? All these things suggest to me that God is the invention of frustrated people wishing for something above and beyond themselves to solve all their problems. “

     Many hold these ideas in this day and time. The ranks of the disillusioned are growing in number, and they come especially from the disenchanted within the religious organizations of the world. People are wondering increasingly about the correctness of their particular brands of religion. Old ideas once accepted as fact seem foolish and superstitious in light of the world's new technological dimension. The break with old theological concepts seems, to these people, to be a break with God. The arguments against old practices become their arguments against the existence of what they term 'God'.  

     It must be pointed out that these are not valid arguments against the existence of God but are, rather, arguments against old concepts of God, old ideas about God and old practices that pervade all organized religions today. 

     I am yet to meet an agnostic or atheist who cannot accept the existence and presence of God once we agree on just what Reality is. Usually, atheists deny and agnostics doubt the actuality of God as they understand and define God. They are quite right, because God as they define Him could not possibly exist. But God as God is, is neither doubted nor denied by a single man on this earth and never has been. God, as God is, is accepted without question, even without resistance, by everyone because God is the very basis of being, the fact of real existence. Why, God is Life itself. Show me an atheist who will deny he is alive! 

     The doubters and deniers are invariably throwing rocks at their own misconceptions of God, at the usual definitions of God, or at the generally accepted idea of what God can do. I am quick to agree that the popular idea of God is incorrect and that such a God does not exist—and never has. But God, as God is, does exist as a very present Reality and as the undeniable basis of Existence. Truth, Reality, Fact exists. This is all that really does exist right here, right now. 

     The agnostic is not questioning Fact; he is questioning a misstatement about Fact. The misstatement has nothing to do with Fact at all, just as the incorrect statement 2 plus 2 is 5 has nothing to do with the fact of arithmetic. A man is blind who breaks with Fact itself and doubts its existence just because an individual or an organization makes a misstatement in the name of Fact. 

     You no longer need be concerned with the many misstatements of others. You can determine what Fact is to yourself and stay there. As you do this you find yourself less concerned about what is not Fact and much more concerned with the Infinite Fact of Perfect Being ITSELF. 

Read more "Two Plus Two Equals Reality" 

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

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