William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


For a very long time (as time goes) the deep study of Western metaphysics had me feeling guilty for all that appeared "bad" in my experience. The sins of the world were heaped upon my shoulders, because it seemed to me that I was the personal author of all that appeared as my experience. Well, the lights of the world have never intended to convey such a sense of personal responsibility.

This consciousness is finally discovered to be God's Self-awareness for which God is responsible, and for which "we," as humans, have no responsibility whatever. "We" do not have to live "our" Awareness. God does. And, despite many, many "absolute" pronouncements to the contrary, the awareness that presently includes these words is not being all there is to "God." Rather, God is being all there is to this awareness—and there is a vast difference of confusion, wild goose chases and agony between these diametrically opposing (but subtle) view points.

So we gird up our loins to be this NOW-awareness for which God is responsible, not "us" responsible. As "explosion" takes care of the "sound" of the explosion, exactly so, God's Awareness of all God is takes care of "awareness."

To say this again: Awareness, life, is not being all there is to God, but God is being all there is to Awareness—and as awareness, we have nothing of ourselves to do except be the faithful witness we are and stop the business of playing the hypnotic role of an independent actor. You see this, I feel it!

Just last week someone told me, "God and God's awareness are a clear duality." Not so!  A television set and a television set's functioning are not two television sets. The misery of the Absolutist's role we play is the attempt to make the functioning into the television set.  Individual identity is not God.  Rather God is being Individual Identity. Awareness-I is not God, Reality, Isness, etc. Rather, Isness is being this here and now awareness I am!

In the words of the illustration: The whole TV set is being its own functioning, but the functioning is not being all there is to the set. The set is responsible for the functioning. God, Isness, Reality, All, is responsible for what presently appears at hand, so we do not have to waste our time looking ahead, or "upstream." We buckle up the armor and do not do it.

Instead, we enjoy the picture, the chair, bird-son, child or whatever is presently within awareness, knowing Isness, God, is responsible for it all, not an independent big cheese "me." We let go the "me" and find I.

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Monday, October 2, 2017

Revealing Wonders

Excerpt from 
by William Samuel


  Dear Reader,

  Truth, however it is expressed—whether it is the physics of the world or the jargon of the mystic—contains layer upon layer of meaning, addressing every human condition and state of comprehension. Consider David's Twenty-Third Psalm. His words "I shall not want" mean something to the trusting child, to the fearful heart of the soldier, to the anguished lover, the worried business man, the invalid, the mother and father. It is a meaningful statement to the aging heart of one grown weary of the world or to any human condition one might imagine. Isn't that true? If those four words can mean so much to so many, is it any wonder that some meanings may elude us for the moment?

  Reader, do not struggle with this book. Read gently. If something seems vague, do not puzzle overmuch, but read on. Things that aren't clear immediately will become clear later, and when you have an opportunity to reread small sections, you will be delighted to find that the book has become new again. Repetition is not necessarily repetition. With each Glimpse the entire book is new—and so is our world—because it is yet to be surveyed in the light just discovered. There is more to read on each topic in the RELATED PAPERS section of the book.

  There is a saying that nothing has been read once until it has been read twelve times. Read these words. Make them your own. 'Eat them up;' as the ancients said. But with all the reading and thought, get understanding. The intellect can reach no more than its limits of reason and logic. The New Covenant this book speaks of is lodged deeply within yourself already. Your Heart will take you there. I assure you, this book heralds Something Wonderful.


  One of the grandest gifts I could give the reader is to introduce two small volumes: THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS and LaoTse's TAO TE CHING. You may be familiar with them already. If not, you will enjoy them mightily.

  The Thomas "sayings of Jesus" came into my studies around 1958 when they were first published in English. They came ringing a Hallelujah Chorus of bells within me, confirming my own insights and intuitions of many years, just as the TAO TE CHING had done earlier. Now, these years later, the authenticity and antiquity of "Thomas" is an established fact recognized by scholars the world around, and I am not the only one to deduce that both men are making essentially the same subjective statement—and addressing the innocent, guiltless Child within us all.

  These two books require a reading from a "subjective" point of view wherein they make a consistent metaphysics. Neither book can be comprehended by the Western set of mind that views "things" as separate objects "out there" in the world.

If the reader should find unfamiliar quotations from Jesus as he reads this book, he can find them in THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS.

  It might be well to note that LaoTse preceded Jesus in history by about five centuries. The scholar can follow the Gnostic Idea from East to West to its birth as a doctrine of Love in the first century A.D.—only to have all but traces of its original subjectivism removed from worldly view within the first 500 years of its history. Interestingly, this is what both Jesus and LaoTse said would happen—and the prophets before them. However, both men say, in nearly identical terms, that in the final days of linear time "There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, and there is nothing covered that shall remain without being uncovered."

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

The River of Life


  Present civilization and its organizations (religious, philosophical, educational, scientific, financial) are like the great bend in the river of life just before the shallows ahead—just before the unsuspected turbulence of subjectivism when life roars through the narrow passages. Historic education—religious education in particular—has paid little attention to its prophets. It has deemed subjectivism too unsettling and difficult to teach. Our temptation is to hang on to the old ways where few demands are made and the familiar pacifies us. But the River of Life is moving relentlessly in growing, ongoing information, and the River of Life includes the rapids of metaphysical subjectivism whether churchdom and science want to examine it and tell of it or not. As content as we might be in our religious views—or in avoiding spiritual matters altogether as so many do—the end of the quiet time looms for everyone. We are approaching a New View of things. The world is already caught in the swift flow of quantum information leading to new knowledge and strange, startling vistas.

  For the new perspectives being thrust upon us, neither the objective studies of religion nor the subjective studies of metaphysics, as they are presented today, will be adequate. The tumult we are already facing insists that mankind, if he is to survive, begin to think in a new way. Humanity, with its physical sciences leading, is soon to confirm the insubstantial nature of matter and time.


  Even beyond the turbulence of subjectivism, there are sticking places where physical scientists and metaphysicians are loitering along the banks, wading in the shallows of arrogance and self-superiority. In this world of appearances, metaphysicians wax, wane and suffer no less than anyone else and, in the end, they find their brands of subjectivism inadequately meeting their own needs, much less the needs of the world. Caught in the sterile void of "absoluteness," the suffering subjectivist faces an awful anguish and wonders why his metaphysics does not work as it did in the beginning, why his organizations languish and why there are no more answers now than a hundred years ago. This book is for the metaphysician, the physicist and astronomer who want more Light—and the answers to those questions.

  Once I wrote of the chemical insanity that would smash the world—and it did. Now I speak of a new madness in the name of pseudo-metaphysics to shake the world, wherein much of mankind will find its faith in everything shattered, unable to find God's good in anything, anywhere, outside himself. Completely unaware of it, the bastions of legitimate subjectivism face an attack from every quarter by an insecure and threatened "religion," in the NAME of religion which isn't working either. The only ones who won't be conquered in the melee already begun, objectivist and subjectivist alike, will be those who have moved onward in their studies to FIND the Light of the Child within themselves and follow Its leadings rather than the world's.


  In the days ahead, when the flowering begins, those who ran with the Child will be part of the flower and the seed.

  As time goes, physical science will soon understand what time and space are actually about. In a very literal sense, we are approaching the end of human ignorance. If the prophets are right—and they have been remarkably right to date—our reach to the limits of light, human understanding, corresponds to a period of tumult in personal and world affairs. Therefore, we have only a short time remaining to turn from our self-limiting views, slough off the old sense of ignorance with its cherished notions, and awaken to the Child of Identity and Its birthright.

  But that isn't the end of things either. Humanity is soon to make a spiritual and metaphysical breakout into a new day, a new time and space. Those who find the Child within, and listen to Its Covenant, are to DO what they have been intended to do from the beginning of linear history. Another "dimension" is to be added! This book is about that.
  The reader has a role to play in these events. This volume would not have come into your hands unless you were to be a part of the story soon to unfold.


  Dear Reader,

  Truth, however it is expressed—whether it is the physics of the world or the jargon of the mystic—contains layer upon layer of meaning, addressing every human condition and state of comprehension. Consider David's Twenty-Third Psalm. His words "I shall not want" mean something to the trusting child, to the fearful heart of the soldier, to the anguished lover, the worried business man, the invalid, the mother and father. It is a meaningful statement to the aging heart of one grown weary of the world or to any human condition one might imagine. Isn't that true? If those four words can mean so much to so many, is it any wonder that some meanings may elude us for the moment?

  Reader, do not struggle with this book. Read gently. If something seems vague, do not puzzle overmuch, but read on. Things that aren't clear immediately will become clear later, and when you have an opportunity to reread small sections, you will be delighted to find that the book has become new again. Repetition is not necessarily repetition. With each Glimpse the entire book is new—and so is our world—because it is yet to be surveyed in the light just discovered. There is more to read on each topic in the RELATED PAPERS section of the book.

  There is a saying that nothing has been read once until it has been read twelve times. Read these words. Make them your own. 'Eat them up;' as the ancients said. But with all the reading and thought, get understanding. The intellect can reach no more than its limits of reason and logic. The New Covenant this book speaks of is lodged deeply within yourself already. Your Heart will take you there. I assure you, this book heralds Something Wonderful.


  One of the grandest gifts I could give the reader is to introduce two small volumes: THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS and LaoTse's TAO TE CHING. You may be familiar with them already. If not, you will enjoy them mightily.

  The Thomas "sayings of Jesus" came into my studies around 1958 when they were first published in English. They came ringing a Hallelujah Chorus of bells within me, confirming my own insights and intuitions of many years, just as the TAO TE CHING had done earlier. Now, these years later, the authenticity and antiquity of "Thomas" is an established fact recognized by scholars the world around, and I am not the only one to deduce that both men are making essentially the same subjective statement—and addressing the innocent, guiltless Child within us all.

  These two books require a reading from a "subjective" point of view wherein they make a consistent metaphysics. Neither book can be comprehended by the Western set of mind that views "things" as separate objects "out there" in the world.

If the reader should find unfamiliar quotations from Jesus as he reads this book, he can find them in THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS.

  It might be well to note that LaoTse preceded Jesus in history by about five centuries. The scholar can follow the Gnostic Idea from East to West to its birth as a doctrine of Love in the first century A.D.—only to have all but traces of its original subjectivism removed from worldly view within the first 500 years of its history. Interestingly, this is what both Jesus and LaoTse said would happen—and the prophets before them. However, both men say, in nearly identical terms, that in the final days of linear time "There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, and there is nothing covered that shall remain without being uncovered."

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

Illustration of the Symphony


  Once upon a time a weary old near-sighted mule was confined to a small barbed-wire enclosed pasture filled with brambles. One day the mule unwittingly backed into the briars. In surprised pain, it leaped over the fence to find itself in a pasture infinitely lusher than the one before.

Question:Should the mule condemn the brambles for their thorns, or thank them for being the instrument to a greater sense of freedom?

  Thank them, certainly. But humanity as a whole doesn't do that. Why not? The answer isn't as obvious as it seems, and the question deserves a careful answer. Subjectivism offers an answer which will also serve as a primer for answering many metaphysical questions that arise in our study of Truth. Here is the answer, delineated backward, as metaphysics often does things. I call it the Illustration of the Symphony.

  A knowledge of the Symphony begins as knowledge of the individual or personal notes that delineate the Symphony. One cannot separate the Symphony from the notes that delineate it—but the “power” (authority) lies with the Symphony which is being the notes. The notes “live, move and have their being” because the Symphony, Godhead exists. The Symphony is eternal and so are the notes that make it plain. But the notes are finite and tangible while the Symphony is infinite and intangible. 

  How so? Because infinite means “whole, all, complete, all-inclusive” and one note is not the whole Symphony. Since that note is not infinite, it is finite, measurable, possesses form and is concerned with sequence or time.

  Every musician knows that as the notes are seen, understood and heard, the Symphony “behind” them begins to come to conscious attention—and once the intangible Symphony is memorized, our dependence on the tangible, finite notes has lessened, but the notes still exist because the Symphony is eternally Self-known, Self-delineated. That is, the Symphony will forever know itself in its wholeness and in its detail.

Likewise, as with the Symphony, our knowledge of the infinite IDENTITY begins as a knowledge of the individual, “finite” people, places and things within awareness. Who can deny that the tangible universe appears as the delineation of ISNESS, the INEFFABLE? One cannot separate images from the Isness-being-images that delineate It—but the power lies with Isness being the sights, sounds and images of awareness. People, places and things have their being because Isness (Symphony) is.

  Godhead is eternal, and so is the essence of “matter” (form) as today's grade school student knows. But Godhead is infinite and intangible, while the images of awareness are apparently finite and tangible. How so? Again, because not one “thing,” nor all of them together, can be all there is to Godhead, any more than all the notes on the entire score of the symphony (Symphony) can be all there is to the symphony sounded, heard, lived!

  As with the Symphony, when the sights, sounds and feelings of the “world” are seen and understood, Godhead comes more to conscious, tangible attention, and line upon line, precept upon precept we find our dependence on “things” has also lessened. This includes our dependence on liquor, drugs, lawyers, wheelchairs and hospitals—not to mention the need to attack other images or to suffer confusion about how to defend the Child-Self from situations that delineate our immutability.


  Consider an INFINITE and LIVING Symphony. Living means awareness, life. Awareness means knowing. Our Symphony knows Itself. That is what “delineation” is all about in the first place. That is why the measurable, finite notes on the paper, why the appearance of a finite world of interrelated people, places, things and combinations of thereof. The Symphony knows Itself in its intangible wholeness, and this means (listen, listen) that the Symphony also knows what KNOWING is.

  If the Symphony knows all it is, doesn't it know what “knowing” is as well? Of course. Therefore, since “knowing” is not all there is to Symphony, the Symphony not only knows itself in its wholeness, it knows itself in its parts, in its infinite variety, in its individual notes that delineate itself to Itself—Itself to itself. Consequently, the Symphony knows finite form, time and sequence as well as Intangibility. Furthermore, It knows it knows!

  Patient reader, no illustrations is perfect in every detail. They can all be picked to pieces. Ponder this one gently and find the Glimpse it discloses. Follow it with the heart, not the intellect that insists on a limit. Because our analogy is presuming an infinite Symphonic Godhead, we perceive that “knowing” is the only real knowing going on. An infinite symphony knows that its knowing is without limit, restriction or boundary, yet that knowing is not all there is to Godhead.
  At this point we are able to ask the intellect a question the Heart can answer already: Does an infinitely wise Symphony know what it is NOT and could never actually BE? Yes. It would also know its “is nots” were fictitious IMPOSSIBLES—the delineators that allow wisdom (knowing) to be infinitely wise. Of course it would, else its knowing would not be unlimited knowing, hence not OMNISCIENCE at all.
  And finally, to the awakening “point of difference” here: Would not our omniscient Symphony perceive (without fear of confusion) that a sharp or flat note was but an obverse delineation of the correct note? And would not the wise Symphony perceive that the fiction, no matter how it sounded, was naught but a marker of the real? Yes! Yes! Such a Symphony would know exactly what delineates (identifies) itself to Itself in its detail to infinity. 

  Consequently, for each “note” there is a knowledge of fictitious, but seemingly real “is-nots” to outline it—wheat and tares—and the Symphony knows the IS from the hypothetical is-nots necessary to define itself to infinity. Reader, let us be very simple here. This isn't as difficult or as twisting as it sounds. It is the knowledge that our hand is not yon bird, mountain, meadow and all else that renders the total knowledge of the form called “hand.”

  When we speak of Symphony and its multitude of notes, we are not talking “duality” or “multiplicity,” but referring to one Symphony in the action of knowing itself. Mind and its Self-awareness are one Mind being all knowing. Omniscient means infinite knowing. Infinite means without limit. Knowing, limited to only what IS, is limited knowing. To unlimitedly know what IS is, means to automatically know what is not and could never be—and within the arena of tangibility (which is what “knowing” IS), the latter appears just as tangible as the “real,” yet it is a holographic fiction; LIMITED light attempting to outline Light.

  So it is, our CONSCIOUS experience, so much concerned with finite images of perception, is like looking out upon a vast Symphony of that which, in our wisdom, we can examine in its wholeness, or sprig by sprig—and this gleaming field of wheat is the WHAT Identity knows Identity to be. Even as we know what the field is, we know what it is not and could never be—the appearance of tares strewn throughout, tares outlining every sprig, and even the tares pointing to the REAL, exactly as poverty delineates Sufficiency; as hatred delineates LOVE; as fear clarifies confidence and trust; as death points to LIFE!

  Heretofore, the old objective teachings had us busily pulling up the brambles and tares, rooting them out, trying to heal them, change or destroy them, in the name of God, good, of course. Now we see them as the powerless delineations of the REAL—and remain untouched by them. We finally understand the strange admonition to leave the tares alone until the harvest. The apparent dualism is ended. It is no longer light and darkness; it is every bit Light and its infinite Self-distinction. It is no longer Life and death; it is all LIFE and the powerless delineation of all that Life knows it is not and could never be. It is no longer a matter of “peace beyond understanding” and an unremitting warfare against terrorism, disease, agony, principalities and powers, sin, sickness and death; it is all the Childlike Peace we eternally are—and “the world,” which is everything that makes the Peace fully KNOWN. Finally “the two are becoming a single one” as Jesus put it—and, great God, what a day this realization is!

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -