William Samuel

William Samuel
William Samuel

Monday, October 2, 2017

Journal Tending

Why keep a journal? It can become one of the most important activities in our life. There is a synergistic power in writing. For instance, twenty-five years ago [1955] I began talking about awareness, using that very word in my small experience. Now my external world hangs on “awareness” as if it were a flagword to all wisdom in the human sphere of things. That word and its significance arrived in my experience as I wrote in my journal. I began using it in conversation—and eventually wrote a book about it. Now, many years later, the ideas in that book are becoming common knowledge in the world, and it all started as I sat with pencil in hand.
One will notice that a Glimpse comes and, if we COMPLETE the transaction, that Glimpse enters our world to enlighten it. That is how it works—as it has been proven to me time and time again. Our world is SUBJECTIVE. It is in our hands. If anything is to happen to help our view of the world, it begins right here with us. How? As we complete the INTERFACE. We get the Glimpse. We live it, tell it, give it, share it as quickly as seems sensible, and in the doing, we put ourselves in the position to RECEIVE more Glimpses to give—and our world is steadily “improved”—awakened—seen as it really is—as Life confirms our Glimpses.
I don't think one even begins to realize how much he can do for his world until the subjective nature of things is comprehended at least in part. This knowledge arrives slowly, “line upon line...” but now it rushes in as if a floodgate has been lifted, acknowledging and confirming my willingness to give what I have been given. Throughout the day—and at every turn—there is an event, a “happening,” that proves once again that “my” world is here in my hands, and if the Light of Life is to be seen in it, I am to BE the Light of Life for my world. It isn't false Light we try to be, as a satanic influence in the world trying to emulate the works of God, the action that brought the Angel of Light to be cast down. Rather, we await the Glimpses and tell of THEM. I let the human experience of years count as nothing, and tell only of the Glimpses, the REAL and the GOOD and the TRUE. That is, I'm GIVING my light, my Glimpses and Glimmers, to “my” world and watching the world take that Light and start LISTENING TO GOD! THIS is what journal tending is all about.
“Listening to God” is the MODE that writing in the journal puts one into! Therein lies the value of writing and journal tending. WHAT we write isn't half as important as the MODE which writing puts us into. In those moments we are not caught up in the world, but are quiet and receptive. In those moments we aren't frantically reacting to the scenes, but sitting still, expectantly anticipating Good even as we write a simple statement of tenderness or beauty we have already seen. THAT is the mood of the writing mode.
If you want to read more about this very active and synergistic mode of meditation i.e. Journal Tending, you can find several pages about this subject on William Samuel's book titled "The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics" Available on Amazon.

If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discover you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -   

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