Excerpt from "The Awareness of Self Discovery"
by William Samuel
The Mirror of Self
Every teacher, book, writer, practitioner, sage, guru or peanut vendor, by whatever name, title or label he goes, is an aspect of the Awareness (Identity) "we" are.
We take the book from the shelf most likely to render a specific service at a given moment. Exactly so, we have appeared to go to the philosophy, teacher, church, friend, stranger or peanut vendor that has unfolded as sufficient for the moment—but that philosophy, teacher, church, friend or stranger is within the awareness we are. So is the peanut vendor. We are forever looking at our Self.
Now, listen softly:
Just as one goes to the cleanest mirror in the house, the one that is the least distorted and best illuminated, so we turn to that aspect of the SELF that tells it to us "like it is," without mental reservation, without the absence of Light, and for absolutely certain, without making something of ITSELF by belittling others.
What is seen "out there" is a mirrored Self-image, but only an IMAGE. The awareness that is the looking is the divine, pure and sinless Identity we are.
To say this again: The image-form that appears at any given moment is only one of an infinite number of forms that may appear. The value is not in the image. (Nor is the power!) The value is forever in the AWARENESS-"you"—are who is the observing of the image.
All that could be called Samuel or any other name is only an infinitesimal aspect of the Self's tangible declaration—and tangibility is only part of it. There is the intangible That "which is above them all"—the Deific Self-hood which is being all there is to the external tangibility of "form" or to the internal intangibility of imagery.
All that is called the belief and dream of a material existence enters the scene upon the assumption of an identity that limits itself to the body-image. That one sees all other images as separate and apart from itself. That one calls himself the observer and is continually fighting a battle with his observed. In the sad comedy of proliferating complication that follows, observing (the awareness that resides as the center of it all) goes but barely noticed. However, observing awareness goes on being the Identity we are anyway, whether we are conscious of it or not, and all the trials and tribulations of the limited identity's experience serve to bring us to the consciousness of the greater Identity—the one that is real; the one that has never been guilty of ignorance or wrong doing or anything else!
So now you have read these long pages of subtle and deeply involved metaphysical philosophy—words, words, a passel of words. What are you going to DO with them?
It would seem they can be enjoyed in either of two directions (or anywhere between)—as words whose ideas are capable of striking a response within, therein verifying themselves—a response to which we then act. Or, (as happens until the grand "turn around" takes place) they can be turned into arcane fuel for the insidiously tenacious game one plays in the attempt to be a smart human becoming a smarter human. Woe is that me!
Reader, examine your intentions in all honesty—without self-beguilement—and see if you are finally willing to stop the tinkering with Truth in an attempt to have a happier human experience, to honestly surrender everything, everything, everything for Its Glory.
Remember that the hidden pearl of great price required that the farmer sell all he had to purchase it. The "all he had" is the price we are are required to pay—the attempt to be a human along the road to awakening. We have never really been such a dream identity, so the price that seems so large only appears that way to the dreamer. The price paid is the blow that awakens him. Then it is seen that nothing has been lost (nor gained). Rather, the beguiling attachment to a phantom self-identification is surrendered AND A NEW DIMENSION OF SPECTACULAR LOVE IS AWAKENED TO!
But the surrender is made first to make room for the Fruit of the Vine.
Then, our cup runneth over!
If you would like further guidance in understanding any of William Samuel's work based on Self discovery you are welcome to contact me, Sandy Jones - samuelandfriends@gmail.com - Ojai, California -
Read more by William Samuel books available on Amazon
The Awareness of Self-Discovery by William Samuel
A Guide To Awareness and Tranquillity by William Samuel
Barefoot at Heart-The Alchemy of Love and the Power of Light by Sandy Jones
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